My question of the day think outside the box? Lanai ARFF Has been fortunate to have been called out to support wild land ff operations. This Unit ARFF deals with high impact situation right out of the box. Through Training with our county fire dept. the last 5 yr we have developed a good ARFF tactic on the use of ARFF knowledge and applying equipment in our inventory to assist in wild land fire suppression. ARFF vehicles are great for quick knock down of a fire line. which will give the crew on the ground a safer work environment. Go to the link below and see what a bystander caught on video. We did this type of fire suppression 48hr straight. No lost of homes in this area. I would like to here your comments and hope that you can tap into your local ARFF units only through training can this be done.

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Hey Brothers out there. How do I put this here goes. FAA Far 139 is the minimum requirement to hold the airport certification to operate an airport. The certificate holder must meet FAA minimum set requirements but like for my employer can exceed this standard so I am just poking around to find info to give my employer so in the future they can increase are staffing. The state is the funding source to help increase life safety and property conservation. this is to show are state Representative cost savings if staffing is increased rather than just meeting the minimum requirements. I am not saying FAA must change it is are state representative that passes are budget that needs to be educated on the resource they have in the state that could be enhanced to sever the whole community.
The only thing i would like to see FAA do is how to ask the certificate holder the benefit they could due to try to exceed FAA minimum requirements. Lots of these issues do pop up at the tri annual drill each time some improvements are made very slow but it does happen. IF the state could see the benefit on and off airport property. Just think if we can reduce damages that cost in the millions to thousands because of that exceeding of the FAA standards to help outside of the fence we would be paying less taxes our whole budget could put more money and benefit into all our pockets. Are government budget could be balanced much better for the future as we come out of this recession lets be more fiscal responsible i don't want to be in a recession when i retire and they are attacking our benefits do you? that's why I am just trying to see what the opinion is out there.
Right on brother this is what i joined to hear I am just gathering info to educate are state Representatives to fund Airports to exceed FAA minimum requirements its just One or Two more bodies. I think this will help to eliminate the delay in when ARFF should be dispatch are airport managers will be able to make the decision quickly and maintain FAA minimum requirement's. The more the public in general Knows what they have payed for they will elect better officials to help bring all our agencies together and firing on all 8 cylinders.
Off or on airport crash is mutual aid response anyway you look at it. we depend on our counter parts very much and which i feel we should reciprocate back to the off airport response to have that feeling that they are on the way coming to help is some thing i don't want to lose. When you tell them you cant come so many times how fast due you think they will come to your call out? Also by doing off airport response you get to work together during small off airport response you get to know all the players. When we get that crash that emergency will 100% run better than never having contact until that moment.
this whole thing is to educate the state to fund above the FAA minimum and for us is that extra body is what we need to meet off airport response. That salary with benefits cost less than an out of control emergency's.

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