We're all scared of something. Myself? Like Indian Jones, I'm petrified of snakes! I had one start chewing on my arm when I was about 13 and after that, never been the same. A call with snakes is the one thing that would DEFINITELY freeze me in my tracks. How about you? What call would/has stop(ped) you in your tracks? What scares you in the fire service?

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If anything, the flamethrower would just cook them. On the plus side, once cooked, they go down much easier than when still wiggling!
I am afriad of lightning.

yes, I had a terrible experience.

I was about 7 and it was raining and thundering.
My mom yelled at me to get inside, I refused and ran into the cornfield that surrounded our house.
They just picked the corn the week before, so i was free to run all around. But before I could catch what happened, a very bright light followed by a very loud clap of thunder filled my senses, I went screaming into the house and would not leave my room for about 5 hours.

Then, about a year ago, I was getting off the bus and picking up a trash can during a rain storm when this great flash of light filled the sky, and the thunder literally shook me to the bone.

Lucky me I haven't gone deaf yet.
Hmmmm....What am I afraid of....? I guess this wouldn't be what I "respect" most.....So, I guess the answer would be I am afraid most of not being able to help my partner if things turn to shit in a hurry....Other than that I have a healthy respect for a few things that will go without mention.....
Hey bud, many before you had the same issues...try talking your way through it...if you have a partner talk all the way through...its a good exercise for communications as well...if you are doing the drill with a blacked out face piece then close your eyes...you will have the sensation of being in control....you CAN do it Brother....just accept it...and then DO IT.....Good luck
hmmm... well now you have me analyzing this situation...

Are you sure that swallowing effectiveness would improve in their non-living state... should they maintain their life (however brief) and retain wiggly power, perhaps they would assist in the swallowing process by wiggling their way downwards to the path of least resistance...

o g'd who says stomach acid will kill them - maybe they would live all the way through my system... and will be wiggling out my ass... OR NOT... sticking around inside in their wiggly state enjoying the hot, wet state of my internal being...

o g'd what if they can wiggle back up the food pipe into my mouth... or nose...


and I need mind purification immediately to get those images out of my head
"it's ok to be afraid, as long as your courage outweighs your fear".
or you can run faster than the things you are afraid of

Heather normally I would laugh along with you...BUT, this time isn't the time for jokes...A Brother has issues (for real) and needs to work his way through this....it's either work through it or step down.....
not sure which brother we are talking about specifically - since derek made an original comment, not a comment to a specific person's post - was how i read his comment this time... i see your point if i had posted it alongside my prior comment related to claustrophia... but since Sarah and Russell and even you, etc. have posted since then on different topics... and Derek's comment was not linked directly beneath any of them... I am a little confused...

and my point was a valid point from my perspective... I am afraid of spiders... (damn brothers who terrorized me as a child) and I must keep reminding myself - I can run faster than than spiders...

I NEVER mean to make light of another who is struggling...

Glad to see you are back around... I missed you... and I did not mean to offend anyone...

You are correct... Fear can be paralyzing... and if it is extreme, then perhaps therapy to find its origin and squash it in order to stay in the fire service may be in order...
I am petrified by confined spaces. I had asthma as a kid, and nearly died. The sensation of not being able to breath is etched deeply in my mind. For some reason, a confined space reminds me of those close call days. Luckily, the guys that had to go into confined spaces were the smaller FF's. At 6'4", 220, I was never on the first pick list....LOL
p.s. I don't believe just because someone has a fear, that means that they need to get out of the fire service... I think we all have the ability to develop compensation skills...

Such as since I am tiny - I fit nicely into confined spaces, while the guys twice my size were limited in that area - so they must compensate... I think a fear can also be compensated for...

I don't believe it is a 100% in or out of the fire service issue... it may be that way on some departments, but I doubt it is that way on most, especially vollie departments who become masters at adaptation with limited manpower, equipment, and resources - like water and funding
well on the volunteer fire dept i am with, our training requirements for our "new guys" is very lax....so for me, my biggest fear is gettin on scene, let alone in a fire, with a new guy who has absolutely no training and has no idea what he's doing.....and my second fear is having to go to my parents and his wife and tell them that twin brother, who is also on the dept with me, as perished in a fire or fire department related incident........

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