Hey all! Is anyone else bored and at work like me? How is everyone? X

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George - thank you hunny! I hope your isn't too eventful! Your not going yet are you?
Kirby - minus thirty seven? Wow that makes feel bad for moaning when its only minus one here! I can imagine the jobs you guys do is never really a quiet one though! I admire anyone that works in the emergency services!
I wont be able to be on here much longer things starting to pick up some. lol temp here is 25 we have a heat wave compared to yall.
do you have a computer at home and if so here is my email address redtruck28@hotmail.com,would love to hear from you.
George - oh my god please send some of your good weather my way! Do you have Facebook or msn? Would love to keep in touch!
Of course thank you! My email is curlyJen_79@yahoo.co.uk
no sorry at this time I only have this. if you want you can send me messages on here. I pretty much check this once a day. I keep wanting some snow but so far nothing but spitting flakes. Just enough to make ya angry lol.
Ah bless! It snowed here last night but not enough to make a snowballman! Doh! Yeah i will definitely keep in touch.
Kinda, but sometimes it's nice to be quiet for a while, because it gets you ready for the next wave.
I know what you mean...sometimes its nice to be quiet at work but sometimes it driver me insane! How are you?
I'm good, trying to stay warm it's -14 out right now in Northern Michigan and -25 with the wind chill.
Oh my god you guys are really making me feel like a wimp! Its 1 degrees centigrade outside and I'm freezing! What time is it with you?


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