i was wondering how other depts.keep accountability of firefighters on a fire sene,who's their,where thay are and such,thank you for your input.

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We use a tag system; all members have a black tag, while interior qualified FFs have a second red tag.

The black tag is left with the operator of the scene pump or line officer and are transferred to a large ring. This establishes who is on scene.

Interior FFs give their tags to the interior sector officer or accountability person if we have enough help. We have a clipboard on which the tags are placed and tags are transferred between IN and OUT as the FFs enter/exit the structure.

A grease pencil is affixed to the clipboard (actually a white dry erase board) so the officer can make additional notes.

Unless someone is working inside the structure, however, there is not an easy way to figure out where each member is. For this reason we are working on a PAR (personnel accountability report) system that should account for all members on a scene after a significant event occurs such as structural collapse, fire under control, switching from offensive to defensive attack, etc.

Not to belabor the point but here's a picture of the tags we use:

Thanks for the Pictures Joe. Interesting and excellent info on the Computer Accountability Systems in use and more and more I am seeing simple Velcro name tags under the helmet visor.

I have been researching Accountability. Some Fire Departments in my area use a 2 tag clip on system and I saw some with Velcro but didn't get the chance for them to explain how they were used.

I see that a Hybrid Accountability Board with Rings and Velcro would be useful for Mutual Aid situations with 2 different systems.

Great Stuff.

At Liberty Hill FD in TX we have ID tags which are placed on the passport board on each truck our captain assigns us to. When we arrive at the Fire scene if first on scene the office takes pass port board with him to command post keeps accountability. If not first on scene office of truck takes passport board to IC and accounrabilty kept like that

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