what are your department's standards for accountability? is everyone assigned numbers? what systems do you use for accountability tags? do you have different colors for different rank?-county wide standards? thoughts?-----

_ in my department all the officers have numbers, everyone else used to be issued numbers as well but they kinda stopped doing that because nobody knew their number.we don't have yellow tags we use red for active non-interior( so like the new guys, scene support, truck opperators, fire police and all that- anyboby that cannot wear scba) --all of our scba certified active members are "green-tags" we all thought this was a standard but came to find out that a neighboring department has different accountability standard than in our county and many other counties.-----any comments, thoughts?

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In my dept everyone has 2 tags one for the apparatus u ride to the scene u tag in with the chaufer and the other tag goes to the command board... Jrs have yellow tags exterior members have red tags and interior have green tags.... on the front it gives name rank ID number and picture on the back it has blood type, height, weight and any allergies
yea your dept does it the smart way! we have been tryin to get tags with more info like that but they don't see the point i guess
Excellent ideas here along with the pictures. I see how the Command boards come into play too.

Should have searched before I posted my question the other day..... I'm learning....

Here is my latest for Olyphant, PA ENG262INE
we have cow tags with our numbers on them. one tag goes to the officer of the truck and if we have to go inside a structure then we hand our photo i.d tag to the safety officer at the door.
We use a two tag system, one on the piece and one at the front door if we go to phase II accountability. We also have the MSA accountability system. It doesn't tell us where someone is, but keeps an eye on air consumption and PASS activations. As with most departments, it's hard trying to find someone early in the incident to run the MSA system, so it's usually not utilized during smaller incidents.
We have three small tags with velcro. 1 stays on the board at the house, 1 goes on a red board that's velcroad to the officers' seat. The other one goes on a board the officer carries in his/hers' inside bunjer coat pocket. Chiefs have white helmets,Lt. & Capt are red. FFs' are Black...Our Shileds have Velcro. So let's say your bid spot is Ladder 14 & you work the A shift. The morning of yoiur shift you go to one of the back steps. Take the FF gear your releaving and place that on there rack. You remove his Ladder co Number 14 place it on yours. You take his pic tags and place them on the Velcro front of the shiled and place yours on the two boards. Each Number has a diffrent backing. This lets a person know just by looking what piece your on. For instance Ladder/Trucks have black backing with, Engines are Red, Squads are Blue, Officers are white( Like the big colored helmet white or red wouldn't clue you in,lol).
The Tags have your name and Rank on them. Everyone who is a sworn firefighter goes in we done't have outside, inside people. If your on the Job your goin in.
On a Vol dept. You'd just leave the Number shields on the Piece. So when you respond you just grab the number off the seat and slap it on. Now at scene the IC will know if your on a Truck,Engine,squad etc.

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