A fire Department is asked to provide an Engine to a house Fire in another District. Ten minutes later that same District asks you for a Rescue Company as well. Is it the same call or a second call for service ? Question goes towards LOSAP program credits given.

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Where was the Rescue called to? The same address as the engine or a seperate one?


Not familiar with the LOSAP program you are asking about, or why should it matter in this case? I would think the question stems from your depts MABAS agreements and what you are able to send outside your jurisdiction.

LOSAP = Length of Service Awards Program. At age 65 a member is awarded a monatary amount of money each month for each year of active service with the department. To meet the criteria the member must attend a % of calls in each year in addition to other obligations. With that said - my question is around giving multiple credit when the department is dispatched for multiple pieces of equipment for the same incident at different times. Thus treating each call for service as a seperate event for documentation purposes.

I would say no, its the same incident and they are just requesting additional resources.  If they sent you guys to a secondary call in their district then yes it counts as two, but in the fire report its one fire that you sent X amount of resources mutual aid to your neighboring department.


Don't personnel only get credit for the calls they respond to?  As such wouldnt only those members who responded on the pieces of apparatus get credit for the response anyways? 


Now this raises another question for me.... Do you allo wmembers to stay on the job after the age of 65 or is retirement mandatory?  Our retirement system mandates that full-time permanent personnel retire at the age of 65 yet on-call personnel are seemingly not required to retire -- so why the double-standard?

Robert - We are a volunteer department - LOSAP is a retention tool that allows for a "retirement" paid at the age of 65. $20 per month for each active year of service with the department up to $800 per month. The law also allows for members to accumulate $$ past the age of 65. To stop them would be discrimination according to the courts.


With each call we get what's called a "rip and run". County dispatch sends us a printout of the call, type of incident, address, apparatus requested, all untis on the call, and the initial report from the caller. It allows us to grab the sheet for reference and roll quicker. also on that sheet is a county assigned call number. If two apparatus are called to the same incident on seprate alarms, it is considered a seperate incident only by the county differing the call number. However, members who respond on the first piece get credit for the second out piece as well as vice versa.

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