What influnced you to join the fire and ems service? Was it by watching emergency or any other first response series? Was it generations of family service? Was it the desire to help people? if so tell us about it.

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Absolutely not. My infleunce in joining the fire service came from generations of my family who all were involved in the fire service. When I originally joined 15 years ago, my Grandfather was Chief, my Uncle and Father were both Deputy Chiefs. At one point I was Lieutenant while the rest of my family listed above were all in the same positions so we had 3 generations of leadership by example.
I also can say that Emergency didn't influence me but just the fact that my Father was a call/volly and at a very young age I usually heard the siren before he did at night and then I'd have to nag my Mother to take me to the scene. I had my application ready to go to the Company Foreman the day before my 18th birthday and even though I spent 21 years with the Navy I still managed to volunteer where ever I could and since transferring to Fleet Reserve and then retired I've been in the Fire Service with my Dad till he couldn't answer the call anymore. I still answer the tones for both fire and rescue and Am extremely proud of my Firefighter/Paramedic Wife who is also a second generation volly. I will admit on line that I'm a little envious of my Brother-in-Law since he happens to be a paid guy as well as a volly chief. But I'd wouldn't tell him. Actually, I seem to recall that at trainings we would pick out what Roy and Johnny did and just how believable or not the story was. But still it was great entertainment.
I used to watch the show all the time, but was it for the fire calls or johnny I'm not sure. (I have 4 seasons on DVD now .) I also watched shows like Rescue 911, Paramedics, Code Blue, Trauma life in the ER. I wanted to be an EMT. Then we moved to a town and I joined the volunteer fire department and they paid for my EMT but first I had to go through the fire program. I found that I enjoyed the fire far more then the EMS. I wish I had started years ago. Yes, I would say that Emergency had something to do with it. No one in my family is a firefighter. My family was involved with the military. I love the fire service and will respond till I can't.
my infleunce in join the Fire - EMS started 17 years ago. I really wanted to be a police officer, but couldn't get in the field. I join after my friend's barn burn down. and the local fire dept ask me if I would like to join, because I helped with water supply. and I have not looked back since then. I'm a level II firefighter and a paramedic full - time. I love this job.
I did not choose the fire/EMS service it choose me, I also have allot of friends that are Firefighters and they encouraged me to become a volunteer.

Cat : )
My influence came from my parents being part of the rescue squad and I knew a lot of the guys that belonged. In their words "they have known me since I was knee high to a grasshopper." I wanted to be able to help more in my town and this was the way to do it... I am glad that I did and there are guys that have pasted on and I miss their knowledge and in put that they gave me. They made sure that I did what was right and I didn't get in that "I know it all and you know nothing" mentality... This is a grea family to belong to..
i got involved because of family. Grandfather and uncle were both firefighters, becoming fire chiefs. Followed (somewhat) in their footsteps ....I enjoy the line too much, so Lt., may be it for me (though shift commander looking kinda nice). Don't want the chief gig, way too many politics and concessions to be made. They both made it in much "easier" times...
here here!!!!
I think my own ambition to join the Fire Service was a combination of a few things from having family in the fire service to having seen fire-related incidents on TV, around my area, and on TV shows/movies. I also love the ability to be able to help and protect my community and the ones surrounding my own.
FAMILY definatly. My brother is a captain on the FD in VA, and Also has a lot to do with respect. I think i respect myself more for doing something that lots of people cant. I eamn for crying out loud, I will wake up and save people today, what did someone else do? answer phones all day for the past umpteen years of there life? Family, respect/dignity, and of course solidity, no matter how bad things are, a firefighter will always be needed
I agree with your logic, but I think I could add to and or change some of what you have written. I feel that I am a better person for doing the job we do. I understand that although taking the risk of severe injury or death that I am trained by a phenominal training officer with my fellow firefighters who all share in the passion of learning. Answering a phone isn't for me, but I am not one to discredit anyone elses job. Without them jobs the world would have added confusion and (god forbid) more automated menu's. A firefighter is always needed is a great line and is completely true. To quote a line from Bee Movie " The hive (the population) is full of a lot of bee's (people) all doing a very small job. It is the combination of all the small jobs that gets the overall mission accomplished. (we all have our place)
If you don't respect yourself, how will others interpret you? Carrying ourselves with an air of confidence and understanding (again theres where training comes in) what we are doing will keep us safe, and will give the image of true professionalism to the public we serve.

Be well Tim and Stay Safe
You just said it right, not all can do the job we do and you can't discredit them for that. Nicely said...

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