It is a form where the Disabled individual or Care Giver of the individual fills out for their local Fire Dept. of there Abilities and Disabilities and any other info. that the Dept. needs to help save them Easier and Quicker in the Event of a Fire.
I have a few of questions;
1. Do you have a Registry?
2. Is it working well for the Firefighters?
3. Is 911 emergency invovled with the Fire Dept. in telling you of a Registry or a Disabled Individual living at the dwelling that is on fire?
4. If not how would you feel if you didn't have to look in your lap top every fire to see for yourself, and have 911 tell you there is when they call you?
5. Can you tell me what Fire Dept. you are from and Country. "Please."

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Thank You this is the answers I'm looking for keep up the good work!
This essentially is the same thing we have in place. We have been surprised by a Hospice patient, and luckily one of my departments Captains and the chief of the Ambulance Corps removed him from the house as the fire was entering the room he was in.

Another local department had a close call with O2 cylinders last month. A fully involved garage fire and the department arrived on scene and pulled both crosslays. (one for exposure one for the garage) When the firefighters were nearing the garage for suppression (flowing water) one of the O2 cylinders exploded and missiled about 1 foot from the firefighters head. (the cylinder is at the firehouse) They had 3 cylinders explode at the call in total.

I think part of the obligation also should ret on the homeowners. The homeowners should have the sense of mind to call the department and advise of any changes in arrangements where a person isn't of the capacity to remove themself from a building. (this should also include people who are deaf) The fire department should accept these calls and impliment them into a preplan for these cases.

90% of the time (accept haz mat) the dispatcher is going to be the one to make a notification to the responders. Since they are technically the Incident Commander until the first arriving fire unit arrives on scene it will take sound minded and clearcut decision making for the dispatcher to check to be sure they covered all the bases. A simple question "is everyone able to get out of the home?" or "has everyone evacuated the home?" would be a good thing, and should be considered part of their job description.

Michael S. Deniger
Hope Valley Wyoming Fire Department
Rhode Island
That is quite the questions for me to try to answer. The 911 operator just needs to tell you of the conditon of the Individual or individuals. I'm sorry to say but it will have to be a Firefighters job to adapt to the Condition. Hopefully there will be someone at the Fire you can talk to about any fire realated important stuff. You see I'm not a Firefighter I'm Disabled I'm just trying to help my friends and help firefighters to be able to adapt and know the condition of the Disabled in Question so everyoneescapesthe firte Safely. Thank you for your input it is great for my reasearch.
You are right about the registry being kept up to date. If the Fire Dept. I a month calls the Voluntary registry Indivivduals. There will be no more mistakes for Fire Fighters, I know the huge job you have already or you could ask the Individuals that they need to keep up with the Regaistry and WHY or a penalty for a harmed Firefighter. There has to be some way around this. You do have the registry don't you if it is a 911 registry it is up to them to make sure it is up to date How I don't know, but it sounds like the Dept. has to take care of itself AGAIN. You poor Firefighters have so much opver your shoulders already. Put on more and the Hero my Fall ans nobody wants that. Stay Safe and keep up the Good Work Michael.
Mike Seaborn

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