I recently missed a very imortant call because I was on vaction. A woman and her 3 year old daughter lost their lives in a drowning and i cant help but feel guilty because i wasnt there to do anything. I know it wasnt my fault for the loss of life, When the good Lord calls us home we must answer the call. But as Fire and rescue are we really afforded the luxury of vacation, Maybe if I would have been in my distric things would have turned out differntly, What do you think?

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My opinion. If you allow this call to get to you, you will not last long in this profession. It's one thing to think about how you would have handled a call differently. Could you have done something different at a call that would have resulted in a different outcome.
But to beat yourself up over this....
Just remember that YOU were NOT to be there at that time. I know you are probably still thinking what if I was there? Would things have been different? Could I have prevented them from losing their lives? I have a son in a similar situation but I told him that same thing. I know it can not be easy for you all to have to go through that but there are times that you are to be there and there are times when you are not to be there. I pray that you are ok and will just let the Good Lord do his will...God Bless you for Being a GREAT FIREMAN!!
I have to agree with K. Clark 909. I don't think it would have made a diffence. I would not feel that way if it was
me on vacation. I recenty was involved in a structor fire where we lost a mother, and her three children. We
found out later that there was'nt anything we could have done, they had past from smoke inhalation before we even made it to the front door. You can only do so much.
Brother you can't make them all!!! Everyone needs a vacation. We all miss calls and wonder what if? But you cant let it get to you. Look at at like this you didnt put them in that situation.
Everything happens for a reason, we are not Gods. When it's time for someone to go home, then they go. All we are there for is to give the good Lord a second chance to rethink his decision. TCSS.
you must remember that we as a fire service are just human. everybody needs a vacation at some point. odds are that one more person wouldnt have made much of a difference to the outcome.if there was a need for more people there then additional manpower would have been used. there is no need to feel guilty. you deserve time off with your family. for most of us on here the fire service is our life but sometimes you have to take time for yourself and your family.the loss is tragic but the reality is it is just another day in our job.stay safe and try not to think about it
Rule #1 of EMS I was taught a long time ago. When they call you, its their bad day, not yours. Just because you can't help fix it, its no reason to take their bad day home with you. Do your best on every call, and go home safe.
most likely it would have still turned out same way even if u was there.. saving lives is important, but u and ur family come first

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