My department is not very big and we have to double our brush rig as a squad which is very hard on equipment. I was wandering if anyone out there knew where we could get a truck or SUV donated as our funds aren't quite high enough for purchasing a seprate truck. I know the members of my department would be very appreciative if we could find something

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Check with your state forestry office,local phone company(we had one donated)and there are many different grants that can be had.
Grants are your only way. Donations are worth a shot, but noone is really willing to give away much these days. Try an assistance to firefighters grant, or any other grant you can write to acheive your goal. Its about all you can do
I can tell you that if you contact some of the few fire news papers in the country most are free you will have luck there is one on long island (thats how you know your from there if you say on long island not in long island NY) the have one called fire news and I know a few places that donate because the county makes them replace equipment by year not use call them ask for a free add and I bet you have luck
If you are intrested in the FireNews paper Dan Hoey stated I can send you a copy, or check out their website How are you guys doin for HR equipment??? I know we have some old tools I may be able to get donated. I cant promise anything but can deff try for ya. I feel bad man, we just got a brand new Heavy rescue and there are brother fireman whom are in need.
We have been very successful writing FEMA grants. That is how we got our new Rescue Engine and cascade system. We did a matching grant and a FEMA grant. Go on and look into grants but make sure you have someone do the grant writing who can do a really good job. Need any tips on writing them, let me know, we have figured it out the hard way and now it is working!
Check with your local forestry division
also check with your state dept of transportation or interrior for auctions on various things, COG auctions as well can net for a smaller then normal cost a vehicle for any service.. also the us gov surplus sales as military vehs or other.. for same.. they are usually regional as such.. also can pick up a duty car if a dept is of need of one and can afford the ins and upkeep...
even soda companys or bread companys to donate an old delivery truck. at one time there has been several companies in delaware that use to have old coke trucks as rescue trucks.
Grants are great...a grant got me my job with Clarksville Fire rescue..also check with your police dept may have a old K-9 Unit vehicle about to go out of service. With my Vol. Fire Dept our rescue truck is a converted Ambulance. It works out pretty well.
you could apply for grants... check out online auctions, i am not sure of where you are from, but auctions off all kinds of vehicle...

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