Does your department assign RIT to the ALS ambulance crew, and what are your thoughts on this practice?

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RIT team should not be your EMS crew they have to much to look out for without having that job also!!!!
My thought as well, but the bosses think there a source of man power I can abuse
EMS crews should not be RIT. They are there for medical, not to fight fires. Your RIT needs to come from your squade or an engine company.
So, How do I convence old school chiefs that are realivity new to EMS that this i not a good thing? Also, they establish RIT on every call. I have talked to A/C and explained that we are there in case anyone gets hurt and that once assigned RIT we can not do medical care. It went on deaf ears.
ALS crews have their own issues to worry about. Injuries can happen at anytime and the LAS crews should be ready for immediate help if needed. (see all the cardiac arrests and heart attacks on the fireground causing LODD's) Add in the benefit that they would need to be completely trained and have all the proper equipment, and this makes no sense at all. Leave the FD to the RIT
rural depts may have not much choice except to use BLS on scene for this duty..manpower constraints at least til the alarms increase to 2nd and 3rd can mean additional personel for this duty...

some urban areas have assigned RIT team.. our city does. its the sends its rescue from the base (only one rig can leave per call)..if requested...

for the most part elsewhere a rig is on any residental or commerical structure toned out..
We use the team on the rescue truck as a RIT team quite often....but they are firefighters 1st and 1st responders 2nd. The EMS crew needs to stay close to the rehab center to take care us the victims and us.
RIT needs to be specially trained team that specializes in that. Ems needs to stic to ems and rehab. I have been on both sides been the firefighter and have been Ems, they have a special job to do . Why would you put your medical team in the most danger so if you get the pt out they are too tired to do their medical job. That is really bad thought to have them in a building when they are needed outside. If they helped with rehab hmm that frees up personel for rit or fire supression.
First off define RIT?

At the declaration of a "Working Fire" we assign another Engine, a Truck or Squad, and an ALS medic to RIT. All 4 companies become the RIT group. We have discussed and even trained with using the PM or if one shows up an EMS LT as the RIT Group Officer until other companies and or resources are available ie 2nd Chief. So a basic answer to your question is Yes they are part of RIT. However, I do not agree with departments that dump the house and put everyone to work abandoning the medic and leaving no-one back for any fireground emergency. In our Case if a need should arise for a Medic while one is being dispatched and is enroute the on scene medic would treat and if necessary transport and we would back-fill with the new medic. As with everything in our business you have to make the best with what you have. Good Luck. Stay safe.
Lt Dan
One company i know of in Salem County, Carneys Point, has their EMT's go through Fire Fighter I and EMT school and actually work as firefighters when not on the ambulance. This way if the trucks go out the ambulances are covered and they can perform rehab and incase of a man down they can operate as a RIT team.
I guess I should have added to the initial replay that EMS is in the fire department and the gut buckets are staffed by certified ff/emts
We assign fire ground functions to the ambulance all the time. We call our ALS ambulances Fire/Medics. It is staffed with 1 bls and 1 als provider at all times. You carry your gear with you and on the unit are 2 air packs various hand tools usually a set of irons and a hook as well as a water can. The photo on my profile page of me cutting the roof was a day when I was assigned to the ambulance.

Im not saying its a good or bad thing but with the strict RIT policy in place ( basically if no life hazard is present no one can make entry until an RIT is in place) it is needed. Alot of houses have been saved becuase that ambulance was right behind the first due engine.

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