If your electric company offered you the choice of "Green Energy" such as energy produced from the Methane given off by landfills, at no additional cost to you, would you participate. Also if your waste management company offered recycling as a free option to you would you recycle your trash?
Here in Chicagoland we have recycle bins that go out every garbage day (paper, plastic & glass). As far as the methane from a landfill, I guess I'd have to know a little more about how it works to make an educated decision.
Without a doubt. The methane is either collected and used as fuel to power something or it is just burned off at the pipe. Methane happens!!!!
As far as recycling, we have to take our recycling to our local township house twice a month, God knows it's worth it!
We have got to put effort into limiting our effects on this environment, for years we have heard not to put dangerous things into our bodies because it is bad for us... What about this living ball we are all stuck to??? Cost extra? You bet, it's worth it..