A one of the training officers in our department, I am looking for engine company hose evolution drills using large diameter hose with a humat valve. If you do, contact me and I will give you an e-mail address to send me a copy.


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I'll have to look, but I might still have the powerpoint program that we teach in engine op's class for our new recruits. It invovles LDH with humat.
Hi Lt.

I haven't had a lot oe experience with the Humat valve, but I spent a week with the guys from Balt. County and I was impressed with the valve, it purpose and the added pressure that you were able to get with it. If anyone can give you info on I would say the guys from Balt. County would be the ones to contact. Their training division is located in the Towson Station. If that helps you any. I can't say that I have seen it utilized in the more southern states.But they were real big on it there.
I can tell you from experiance, the valve works great. You hook up to that hydrant and start flowing to your engine. The next in engine can then hook into to the valve and then your engine, and change water flow, with out interupting the flow of water to your engine. The one department I run with has them on all of our engines.
We love our Humat Valves. Like to stated, it doesn't interupt the initial water supply while tying your hydrant truck into it. Each one of our pumpers have one attached to our 4" suplly hose.

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