ok what colors of helmets does your dept use and what do they mean?????? My dept uses White,Red,Black,Yellow,Blue,and Orange. White= Chief Red= Captain Black= Lt Yellow= firefighter Blue= Safty Orange= Rookie

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White= Chief
Red= Captain or Lt.
Black= Engineer or Firefighter
Orange= Probationary no experience

You don't need my permission to bypass an old discussion, but some folks seem to feel the need to beat new folks for having a discussion which has "already been beat to death."

Of course I feel the need to tell all those who complain about old topics being discussed "yet again" that they don't have to jump on our fellow members whose member numbers happen to be higher than 10,000...

black fireman
red lt
yelow capt
white chief
White- Chief, 1st assistant chief, 2nd assistant
Red- Rescue Chief
Orange- Lieutenants
Yellow- Fire Fighters
Black- Rookies
in my town all the officers and fire marshells wear white , the regular member that are interior certified wear yellow, ever one else wears black meaning jrs, and extterior members, we are looking to change the company officers but i disagree, for a lomhg as i rember a officer wore white and it was like a perk to be a officer, only problem is now that we have new ast. chiefs we get like 21 white lids at a fire if everyone shows up .
White-Chief Level
Red-Non Released FF (Non IDLH) (Probie)
Our department uses 4 colors. White= Chief, Asst. Chief, Captains Red= Lieutenant/Safety Officer Black= Firefighters & Yellow= Probationary.

We recently went to this over the 5 colors that we were using. We determined that we would group our 2 Chiefs and our 2 Captains together to make our officers easier to locate on scenes. And believe it or not, it has definately helped, espicially when you have 3-4 departments together working one incident..

Good Luck!
Black With Red Reflective Triangles- Rookie
Black With Blue Reflective Triangles-Rookie FF/EMT-P
Black with regular yellow tetrahedron -FF (If engineer it will be shown on the sheild)
Black with regular yellow tetrahedron with blue stripe on four sides- FF/EMT-P will also show on shield(Medic Engineer will show on shield)
Red with regular yellow tetrahedron-Lt.
Red with regular yellow and blue strip- Lt./ EMT-P
Red with regular tetrahedron white shield- Capt.
Red with regular tetrahedron white shield blue stripe- Capt./EMT-P
White w/ white shield- Battalion chief
white w/ gold shield- District chief, division chief, deputy chief, assistant chief and fire chief
White-Chief or Assistant Chief
Red-Captain or Leuitenant
Black w/Orange shield-Safety Officer
Black w/Black shield-Firefighter

We wear tan gear by Mourning Pride(looks like FDNY just tan) and our rookies wear old school long coats and their gear is black. We wear the 1044's and the rookies wear a metro style helmet also.
Our colors are: Chief & assistant Chief(White),all others are yellow
My company uses White, Red, Yellow, Black, and Blue. White- Chief, Asst. Chief, Red- Captin, Yellow- Lt. Black- Firefighter, Blue-Jr.
are company has

white cheif asst.cheif deputycheif

red captin lt1 lt 2

yellow/black firefighter

yellow/black with red electrical tape down the middle and side to side juniors

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