I've been seeing some non firefighters join the Nation recently and was wondering what members thought of removing anyone who is not currently, never has been or is not trying to enter the fire/EMS service from being a part of the site?

I've left things fairly open until now, but want to be sure we stay focused on serving firefighters, EMS and Rescue personnel first and only!

Also any thoughts on restricting videos to be 'fire/EMS related' only, or should it be open to everyone's personal videos, etc. since that also is a big part of social networking?

I have no thought or plan to change photos...because it is a social network I think its important that photos be of both a personal and fire service nature, without too many limits unless its inappropriate. Same goes for blogs, although we may start separating fire/EMS specific blogs from personal ones on the home page.

Thanks for the feedback,

Web Chief

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You may not be in the rocking chair, but you still rock!
ditto right back at ya Art
I would say put that it's restricted to Fire EMS Rescue and 911 personel. On how to make sure that everyone is authentic? Well other then a couple of questions that firefighters mostly would know... Example what does SCBA stand for? Or something like that.. I might help at least narrow it down some! Obviously it won't stop all the "wannabie's."
Found a prime example for you Web Chief. It is The Beginning of the End in the blog section and really falls into the who cares category. I don't want to sound mean but there are more appropriate places for entries like this. It has NOTHING to do with the fire service and therefore should be removed or at least moved to an appropriate location like MySpace. Let's keep this great site for what it was intended and not a "please fell sorry for me" site. Just my opinion. I'm sure some will disagree, but that's what makes this country great. Stay Safe
Thanks for everyone's feedback.

I think we've got a good representation of what users are feeling. The bottom line, for now at least, is we'll watch stuff closely, remove duplicative content whenever possible, and if there are profiles that clearly don't belong we'll keep contacting and removing them as appropriate, which we've been doing for the most part.

As the site continues to barrel toward 20,000 and more users, we'll keep on looking at new ways to ensure we have a robust, extremely passionate community that is 'just' for fire/ems as the name implies, and gives flexibility for those interested, family members, etc. to be a part of our family.

Web Chief
I think this should only be for FF/EMS. If others start joining its going to turn into a myspace or facebook. There will be people sending you messages to join other sights or asking to view pictures of them on other sights. I think it could ruin this sight.

As for the video's and pictures, I think that a person should be able to post both personal and ff/ems pictures. Limiting pics and vids to only ff/ems would limit ones expression.
I agree.
I mean I'm not currently a fire fighter or EMS personel but Im starting my training this summer & Im going to be one and just want the networking and the information & encouragement.
Seems like alot of the women on here are just looking for some fire fighters to hook up with.
-Kylee Rae
I think it is more important to remove non fire/ems related videos from here. I love music videos, and comedy, but i can see them any number of websites. I come here for fire/ems related topics.
I don't think non-fire/ems need to be removed due to spouses,dating,and social networking in general.I also think it helps bring awareness to the calling.who knows how many people might decide this is what they want to do by visiting this website.thank you for asking for our opinion on this matter.
I vote yes to no non members of the emergency services field. As far as pics, videos, etc. I agree...........
Dear Chief:

As a non fire/ems member, I would like to respond and add, as it were, my $.02

First of all, I was emailed about this web site, I did not seek it out. I am heavily involved with Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response and deal with members of the fire and EMS services on a regular basis ( in fact, 25% of my fellow staff are Paramedics or firefighters). I do not represent myself in any other manner than you see in my profile. I do, however, have a keen appreciation of our local fire department and I support their activities in any way I can. You won't likely see any videos or even other photos of myself but You will probably see photos, of their apparatus, personnel, events. I can't imagine anyone would have an issue with this.

I also might add that there is a check box in the profile thats says "fire buff". Thats suggest to, at least to me, that you welcome laymen with an appreciation of the fire service as members.

Milford, CT
i think we should remove everyone that is not in are line of service fire ems or police . they just use up a space that one of are fellow brothers or sisters could use


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