Would anyone be interested in doing a blind patch trade ? If so, send me your address and let me know how many patches you want to trade for, and I'll send mine first. I can trade 1-20 patches at a time.
Here is an example of a blind trade. Collector 1 picks out an agreed upon number of patches out of their traders, and sends them to collector b who also picks out the agreend upon number of patches and sends them to collector a. There is no trade list used, both collectors pick out what patches to send.
This is a great way to keep your trade stock moving, plus sometimes you get surprised with a patch you've wanted for a long time.
I am in. Send me 10 to start. Message me for my address.
Have you recieved the three patches I sent to you from Australia last week yet?? My address is on the back of the envelope I sent the patches and an assortment of stickers in.