Hi all. I'm new to the site and this is my first time posting on the forums, but I couldn't think of a better place than here to ask my question.
Anyone know where I can purchase a name tag similar to those seen on morning pride gear that hangs down like a tail almost? I have heard that you can buy detachable ones but I can't find them anywhere. In fact I can't even find regular name plates.
Thanks in advance! (hope this is in the right section of the forum)
www.Innotex.ca that is fire gear made in Canada that has name plates that button onto the inside of the coat. The gear is reasonibly priced but did not hope up well when we field tested it. Also, I believe that morning Pride makes velcro for the tails. Hope that helps.Good luck.
The one true way to get an accurate answer on this would be to contact Morning Pride, or whomever is the manufacturer of your PPE and ask them to create the modification for your turnout gear. I wouldn't trust anyone else but them to ensure you get a fully tested and approved PLUS safe item to add to your turnout.