As of this writing, "Drinking in the Fire House" has 287 replies.

"Women in the Fire Service" has 263 replies.

At times, both have become heated, has been argued with passion and are issues that keep coming up over and over again. And nothing NEW is ever said. It's the same thing, just SAID by somebody different.

Are they issues that are important in the larger scheme? In some parts of the country and in some fire departments; yeah, it's still an important issue, because THEY have resisted efforts to establish a national initiative to improve them.

Have you noticed that both topics that I highlight have certain "social" implications?

Drinking is definitely "social" and women in the fire service? Well, we have already seen men fighting over some of them right here on this website. So, there is a social aspect to that as well and if one has the time to check out some of the submitted photos, you will see some social cleavage by those screaming that they wanted to be treated the same as men. I am still looking for a tasteful photo of my upper body to post.

However; I digress. The reason for this post is very simple: we have engaged in endless debate on two issues that are important, but not where the percentage of injuries and death are occurring. When efforts to discuss firefighter safety or scene safety or improving requirements or reducing civilian fire deaths, the discussion thread is lucky to get 10 replies before you hear the crickets.

Why do we-myself included-spend so much time on issues with little national impact and ignore those things that impact us on a daily basis?

I like to have fun and will post a "funny" from time to time, but if we ever expect to change and improve our fire service, we have to engage our brains. We have to think. We have to act.

There are some great blogs being written on a wealth of topics that could help anyone of you, but I have to wonder how many of you read the blogs. From Tiger, FASNY, Mick and Pete; I spend alot of time reading their stuff because it's FREE and it's INVALUABLE.

You could end discussions before they start, if you'd read their blogs. The topic has already been covered by them.

I just think that our priorities are all screwed up. We bitch about how precious our free time is, yet, we are forced to wade through a bunch of mud just to find a little nugget of wisdom.

I need coffee.


Views: 264

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Can I tell you about my home business and how it can make you rich like me!?... No I suppose I will keep that for the infomercials... but can I put an infomercial on here!?...

Devil's advocate....
You depress me more than you will ever know.
I had a long, very thoughtful reply, but alas, the Ning gods ate it.
Half of it got lost, I didn't do cut and paste, but from now on, I will.
Suffice it to say that if, according to your forboding post this is the way it is, then I will be spending less time here.
I will discuss when it moves me, but I will no longer waste my time repeating myself.
I will blog. I don't care if the uninformed wants to remain that way. I will read the blogs of my friends and show them the respect and courtesy of a reply, if appropriate. They deserve a "thank you" for their fine efforts.
Other than that, Life is good.
Welcome to FireFighter Flea Market!
Now, another LODD due to not wearing seat belts.

We thought we had discussed seat belt use to the point of exhaustion. Apparently the message didn't get through.

Do we need "stickies" at the top of each page on FFN to re-emphasize the "10 Cardinal Rules of Firefighting"? And make them required reading for all FFN members?

If I wore my seat belt it would take me longer getting off the truck and to the fire. However, there is no friction when I am launched through the windshield. I cannot believe YOU do not see my logic.
don't laugh or yell, but I did that for the Station Nightclub Fire video and post I did. It would go to number 1 for about 11 seconds, and poof it was off the list, buried under the SOS DD
You never know, may have wanted to set up a portable 3000 gallon decon... Ok maybe not. It does appear from what I am reading that the Tanker/Engine combination was a tad of overkill. Tankers shouldn't be on the road unless training, or going to a call. Remember the question the lawyer will ask, was it a TRUE emergency.
I can make you a millionaire in less than a year. For my book send me a check for $100 care of blahblahblah@i' (if you try to click, you gotta be kidding me)
In response to Art's message here, I'll be succinct; I agree...except for the coffee, can't stand that stuff (I'll take a Dr Pepper).
I haven't been around much lately, but ya know, I think I might jump on the blog-wagon here pretty soon, got some stuff on mind little mind.
Art, buddy ole' pal, don't give up. We'll just sort out the junk, comment on the good stuff, and let the rest roll off our backs. Hell, we're Firefighters man, we can do this!
Oh I agree about the huge numbers of nearly identical posts....very monotonous! For some things a simple "agree - disagree" poll would be more appropriate...unless someone has something new to add to the discussion.

As for the hair thing...what's simple, cut and dry for you, may not be to someone else. Just like so anything sin life, there are as many ways to wear ones hair as there are people with hair. When I was going through that discussion thread I learned several different ways of wearing one's long hair under a brain bucket. I've been working with females who have to contend with hair and mask straps and headgear for a long time and I'm always amazed at the number of styles which can be applied and still meet the regulation and be functional. If you think it's frivolous, then just click the "Stop Following" link at the bottom of the page.

As for coffee beans...I love the chocolate covered ones! But I still need my 'cup of med' in the morning.


I'm sorry to depress, that was not my intent.

What was I trying to say is that Firefighter Nation is like a great big banquet hall and there are many corners of this room and there is a conversation for everyone here. For many of us, there's the professional development and the "shop talk" conversations going on in many corners, while others are having casual conversation about "frivolous" things and simply enjoying being with others like themselves. Just like a large dinner, though, nobody is going to stay in one conversation all of the time and some of the "youngins" as some have called our more junior members, will begin to wander into more serious conversations and begin to rise to the next level. I think the key is not browbeat them into the conversation, but to let them come to it on their own time...when they are ready (maybe with a little gentle nudging. :-) ).

I think it's fair to say the members of FFN come from all walks of life, every region of the country (even a few other countries), and every faith group and every social and economic strata. We all have different hobbies, tastes and shades of skin color. We drive Chevies, Fords, Toyotas, Hyundais and ride Suzukis, Kawasakis and Harleys and Victories. We drink Mountain Dew, Diet Coke and gallons of coffee...and after work many of us like a cold lager, or hefty mug of stout.

My point, in short, is that all of these conversations have their place here, and the more professional, technical and scholarly pieces there are, the more access our younger and newer members will have to them.

Just like at the banquet dinner, when you come across a frivolous discussion which you don't want to stay and engage, then simply click the "Stop following" link at the bottom of the page and move on to another conversation.


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