The Village just bought us a new truck, somethimg we needed badly. The only problem is our station is so cramped you can't even move. With 1 1500 gal pumper, 100 foot ariel, the rescue squad, and our reserve pumper is having to sit in the cities maitnance garage because we don't have the space. Our lockers are now blocking the cascade system, so we have to move one thing out of the way to get to the other. Our Village has a population of 1800 people, We are on the out skirts of some major cities, so when weve tried for grants were told that were not rural enough. With all of this i'm at a loss. If anyone can think of other sources please let me know.

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I love free enterprise and I think it can help our small Volunteer departments out quite a bit. What's more American than Firefighters and finding new ways to earn the money you need?

Sooooo, when do you start? LOL
If anything, my station had this idea and honestly, it wasn't a bad idea.
Cheap easy to build station could be a pole barn. Im still going through school for engineering but i have designed our new station, and a pole barn station. My design of a new station vs a pole barn garage just for truck storage and guys hanging out was about $80,000 difference.

So if your company hasnt brought it up at a meeting maybe give it a shot, see what they think of a pole barn station for extra truck storage and extra gear storage.

Hope it helps if not ill be thinking of you for some more ideas!

That is a good idea. A simple pole barn addition to their exisiting station might fill their need perfectly.
Here's something out of the norm you can try. As we had the same problem a few years ago. What we did instead of building a new station, was a complete remodel of the interior and a small addition. And it was all done for under 10 thousand dollars. In Pennsylvania there is a program where folks in County Corrections for non-violent lesser offenses are permitted to work with the different municipalities within that county. They are still guarded though. And they try to fit the inmates with the job that needs filled. So for us, they got us 6 guys that all had backgrounds in carpentry, plumbing, etc., etc. So it was a job well done, not shotty work in the least bit. All we had to pay for was the materials. And have some fun with it too, help with the remodeling yourselves as we did, get to know the inmates(they're not all bad people...hehe). Use the situation at the station for training. As ours was in the middle of being remodeled we kept the mess they made during the day to train with at night. For example, collapse rescue, mayday call, RIT. Hopefully, if IL has a program like that you can try for that approach in solving your space issues.
Sorry, but Extreme Home Makeover won't do Fire Stations! Been there tried that!!!!!
Yes, and no.

Paid Departments and "Full-time" departments are usually fully-funded by the municipality they serve. But in many areas "volunteer," Part-time" or "on-call" departments do not receive full funding from the municipality they serve. Often the annual budget for a volunteer department covers the minimal operating costs for the station and exisiting gear. Money for new equipment, upgrades, and replacements are not always budgetted for. That is why so many Volunteer departments must have "Fill the Boot" campaigns, Carnivivals, "Vegas Night" and other fund raising events.

It's still true that the majority of Firefighters in the United States are volunteers, so there will always be a need for VFD Fundraising, and the department-owned non-profit business is just another way to fundraise. Although a little unconventional, it's not unimaginable.
Does your dept. have a Ambulance service, it is a good revenue . We built our new safety complex, with the funds aquired through billing for services. it also helps to purchase other vehicles , and equipment.
The aerial is a a big asseet their are only two in the the area, not counting the full timers, Which are a good distance away. We have two hotels, and two apt complexes, that are two and three stories. The village got a great deal on it and its paid for.
This is exactly how our dept works. We get what the village budgets. the biggest thing for other depts need to know use your the budget to the max, if you don't use everything plus some the village or town will not increase your funding. The amounts will stay the same or go down.

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