I run a bulldozer in the oilfield these days, my firefighting days 12yrs past. Or so I thought. At any rate, I was clearing off a new drilling location today when I found myself pressed back n2 service...sort of.
Out here in W. Texas we have a kind of prairie grass that's good for nothin but holding on2 topsoil, making adobe brick, thatching roofs on grass huts, and burning. Cows won't eat it, horses won't eat it, Hell, goats won't even eat it!
This stuff grows in sprigs, or clumps, some as big around as a large cantaloupe. It can grow belt buckle high. As blades die out & are replaced, they lie flat on the ground forming a kind of funky carpet.
It gets THICK, & it dries out. And it BURNS. And it's a bitch to put out.
Did I mention the drought?
Back to the story: My boss pulls up to check on me, since he hadn't heard from me all day. He parks in this stuff rather than pull up on2 the cleared location (@ this point I haven't cut a road n2 it), leaving his pickup running. (Can ya see it comin?)
We B.S. for 15-20 mins, he heads back to his truck, I go back to pushin dirt.
Alluvasudden, I look up to see him running circles around the truck, 5' flames shootin up the passenger side & starting out across the prairie.
"@#$%$#@!!" I think, & put the dozer in high gear 2ward him. Mentally, I've written the truck off thinking if I don't get this thing stopped we'll be chasing it til doomsday. We had 15-20 mph SW winds & microscopic humidity.
I reach the truck, see the fire isn't moving as fast as I thought & gouge the blade in the ground, killing the fire.
Now this whole time, I'm trying to get him to get in & drive off the fire. He doesn't, so I pull in behind the truck, nudge up to it, lift the ass end up, & push it on2 the dirt. A quick backdrag & fire OUT. Or so I thought.
Anyway, he sez he got stuck (deep sand) & was about to get out & signal me when he looks right, & sees the whole world on fire. When he got out he hit the door lock & couldn't get back in. We call OnStar, & proceed to check the truck out. Very light damage, a little scorched paint & melted vinyl trim on the passenger side rear door, light scorch on the running board.
I look back & see the fire rekindling (told u it was a bitch to put out). So I knock THAT out & push the whole mess on2 the location, this time it's out.
Any more wind, and the fire would've took off like a rocket, with nothing but me to slow it down for MILES.
So, how was your day?

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