Hi everyone...

Well I have been a firefighter for about 7 months now, and have been to a good number of calls and done quite a bit of training...I have moved away from my department temporarily to attend college. No one has ever really said exactly what tools I should carry in my gear, so I dont carry any. I have gotten along fine without anything, but like I said, I have only been active for 7-8 months. What tools should I carry in my gear? Swiss army/multi use tool type stuff, carabeners? Nothing? Input anyone...


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When I started in the dark ages I had pockets filled with stuff but as time went on this became less and less. Now a small knife and 20 ft length of rope wire cutters chalk n door stops is about all I have.

In the end it would all depend on what you feel you need, and then whats practical in your gear
Tools, well, I carry 2 hose straps with a big "D" ring caribiner between them, a pr of electrical pliers the one with the squared off end, one pr of work gloves not fire type, one pr of structure gloves, 1 CPR package with one with mask and gloves, 1 pen, 1 little notebook, 1 Pelican super saber, 1 portable radio when I get off the truck, 1 pr of safety glasses with the plastic package still on them (keeps them clean), and lastly 1 folding hose wrench.

The hose straps can assist for escape, tieing something down, hoisting other tools, pliers can cut all kinds of wire, work gloves for other non-fire duties, structure gloves, CPR for the down and not breathing, flashlight for seeing better, radio to talk to someone, glasses to keep stuff out of my eyes, wrench for the hoses.

In 27 years, it appears that this is what seemed to work the best, I have tried other stuff but it either seemed to little or too much. I have seen some guys with nearly a ful pocket of tools, but seemed a bit much ( and $$$). Some guys take nothing, but seems to be setting yourself up for failure. Some guys take nothing and then wonder why they can not see later when they should have had a light with them.

One thing for sure, when you come off the Engine what you have with you is what you got. If you wish you had it it is way to late.

Glad to see you want to go this career, it is very rewarding, and meaningful.
My tool list is as follows: 1 pair station gloves, 2 door wedges, 1 folding pocket spanner, all kept in pants pockets. In my coat I keep: One 18 foot section of 1100 Lb webbing, two carabiners, one figure eight, one flashlight, and one folding knife. I have carried alot of junk that didn't ever do anything but weigh me down, but what I carry today is stuff I use fairly often, at least the stuff in my pants. The things in my coat I have never used, but may need for self rescue. The exceptions are the light and the knife, which are in easy reach for frequent use. King handheld radio in the radio pocket. And I forgot the CPR kit in my jacket pocket.

Welcome to the brotherhood, it might be the best thing you ever do!
Thank you Everyone who gave advice...It is very helpful.

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