Fire service, EMS, rescue good luck charms, signs of bad luck, superstitions and traditions

As part of my MS degree in emergency services, I am writing a book on emergency services superstitions, luck charms, things that are believed to bring disaster, etc. I'd love to hear what you have to share. For me, even though its a police thing, I carry the St. Michael's medal that my father wore during 37 years as a sheriff's deputy/detective.

So, share away...

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I believe that if the pillow case on the stretcher is open towards the head its a "code pillow". Open to the head, fellow's dead.
My daughter made me a small beaded good luck charm with a clasp on it when she was small. I've had it on my gear coat ever since. Its about 4 inches long or so, and getting kind of beat up, but still there and she's almost 19 now. It hangs clipped to a hook inside my coat on the upper left side, right by my heart. She didn't realize it at 6 years old how much it would mean to me, but I think it might be one of the best gifts she has ever given me.
I wear a St Florian charm around my neck and a firefighters prayer coin in my bunker coat. My wife also carries the same coin in her purse.
I don't know if there is a patron Saint of EMTs but I carry an EMS prayer coin. If anyone knows of a EMS patron saint, Id love to know about it.
I keep a card of St. Lawrence, the namesake of my Confirmation (I'm Catholic), in my turnout coat pocket. St. Lawrence was martyred, burned alive on a grill. His last words were "You can turn me over, I'm done on this side."
its really stupid but every time i buy something new for the fire dept. like shirts or a helmet we have a fire/MVA i know stupid but hey its true
That's good.
Superstitions: I worked many years with a medic who was a firm believer that if we took our duty boots off before 11pm we would run all night. 17 years later i still follow that same theory.
Good luck charms: On my helmet band is a cross with a flag draped around it. I have carry it on my helmet for almost 15 years. Several different jobs and i make sure it stays with me. It has seen many good "jobs" and we have made it through all of them.
The guys at my department think that polishing your boots is a sure way to bring about a house fire.
My good luck charms consist of my St. Florian necklace and our crew carries a firefighter prayer coin. The coin also determines who buys the next round (off duty of course). If they dont have it, THEY BUY.
I'm really suprised no one has talked about a full moon, it never fails, if its a full mood, we run all night, mainly BS calls usually....

As for good luck charms, I keep my little girl's pic taped on the inside of my clipboard along with a card that has the EMTs prayer on it...
Same here I've got two trying to jinx us now.

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