Had a question for all of you that respond to calls on the Interstate or other busy highways. What is you SOP's on positioning your vehicle at the scene and at what point do you shut down a highway, either partially or completely?
Another important aspect is that when you purchase a new piece of apparatus to have the small windows installed into the back wall so you can see if any traffic is trying to sneak alongside the apparatus. Opening a door blind to traffic is extremely hazardous and does lead to injuries and deaths in the fire service
We use the engine to block traffic in a fend off position and then place cones 20 or 30 ft from it on the traffic side. Either the PD or our fire police will cone off the shoulder and lane we will be working in and force traffic part way onto the other shoulder just to give a few extra feet of safe zone. We generally try not to shut down the roadway completely due to the fact that messes up response from whatever other resources we have coming or may need to mitigate the incident. Again we try not to establish an LZ on the roadway, but when we do its only long enough for helo to land, load and take off. Our local and state PD that we try to minimze our time on scene and pretty much concentrate on their investigation while we are there.
We passed a law in Illinois after Lt. Scott Gillen was killed at the scene of an accident. It requires cars to move over.
What was confusing here is that the signs that were made and installed along the interstates said "move over OR slow down for emergency vehicles". The verbage basically gave motorists a choice and I could see it daily, as I have to take interstate to work. I saw cars who would NOT get over if a state police vehicle, wrecker or fire truck was on the shoulder.
Well, the signs have been corrected and the cops have no sympathy for drivers who don't get over. The signs have had "OR" replaced with a hyphen. Motorists will now see that they must slow down AND get over when approaching an emergency vehicle on the side of the interstate.
One, little word changed the whole meaning.
Hey wayne . Well here in Cross Lanes WV that would depend on the situation ..... If the interstate had to be parcially closed they would park two or one engines at a diagonal position . It the whole interstate would have to be closed down the Aerial ladder truck would come in and park streight across.