Does your department do background checks of prospective members? How far does it go? Do you only do a county check? When was it implemented?
What about current members?
Do they take an integrity test (Wonderlik)?
What are your thoughts?
There is a blog that we have been discussing:

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At one of the recent county Chief's meetings we had a presentation from a retired Sheriff's deputy. His job is to process CBIs for the law enforcement community and said that the service is available and free to all county fire departments. He painted some interesting scenarios for our consideration.

So for is it is a step closer, but the questions remain: Which offenses are acceptable, and which are not? Unless these criteria are clearly spelled out in writing and reviewed/approved by an attorney, who decides? Do existing members also submit to a full background check or are they grandfathered in?

Regarding the last question, I was talking to our county Fire Coordinator the other day. He told me that based on his involvement with other county organizations, he estimates that about 10 per cent of the current membership of any VFD would not pass a CBI. This would depend on the criteria, as I say, but some good ol' boys as well as newer members would have to leave.
All new Members undergo a County Back ground check.
I have taken issue with this topic. I may be naive, but from my understanding (in the state of New York anyway), a volunteer fire department can only check a background for arson, period. Someone please tell me that I am wrong, because I have a huge issue with it. I work at our local police department as well and what bothers me is knowing that while I am on my fire department's investigating comittee, I cannot go to work and find out if an applicant has anything other than arson convictions. I actually am not allowed to check for that, as our department only allows our chief to do the arson check, through our county level. I at least feel like we should be able to check the background for sex offenses and larceny. I hear that they are trying to make it okay to check for burglary. Well, what if a firefighter with a shady past, enters a residence without intent to commit a crime, but while in the house, sees a shiny rolex or something of that nature. I think that would relate more to larceny. I think that if jobs can check the full criminal history of an applicant, volunteer fire departments should be able to as well. We go into homes and we go into schools. Anyway, someone please give me information regarding these issues that I have.
Our Dept does a video test then a physical agility test and then a background test that I have heard is more driving than anything but I am not 100% sure, it may be more in depth than that.

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