With all the different churches, do you believe that there should be prayer before your Company Meetings get started. Think before you answer, because you have firefighters that do not believe in God. You have others that our jewish and only use the New Testament I believe it is. So do you believe that there should be prayer before the start of a Company Meeting.

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I believe that the Bible is without error, and in Jesus's time there were those of the Jewish faith and those who did not believe, yet this did not stop Jesus from praying. My prayer is not to offend anyone,but to honor my Father in Heaven, to ask for His wisdom, and His blessings upon us while we meet. Should it ever arise that there are those in my department that are offended by an opening prayer, I would let them know of our intentions to pray and give them an opportunity to excuse themselves while the rest of us prayed.
We have prayer before every meeting and drill, Usually done by the secretary or a member of the dept. We have a chaplian, but hes not always at our meeting because he actually a pastor for one of our local churches. For me its way of thanking GOD for his protection of me and fellow members thru the year. Now do all the members agree, I cant tell you that, because no one has ever objected to the prayers.
I think so, we have always had prayer before our meetings, meals, and banquets. I think that is the way it should be. This country was founded on Christian principals, they seeked a place where they could worship Christ the way they wanted because of the oppressive church in England not because they wanted to worship other god's. Our history may be plagued with parts that many of us may not like or want to accept, however the fact that this country was founded to be a christian nation is one that is not lost on many of us it is one of those things that has shaped our country and sometimes in today's society is forgotten. Well enough of my rambling. My answer is yes, however if someone doesn't want to participate in the prayer they should be able to do so without the fear of oppression for their thoughts or beliefs.
We have not done so before but after reading this,we will begin to do so tonight.My ministry is helping others and being a witness to those in emergency service,so at our drill tonight I will thank God for keeping us safe.
#1 I believe in freedom of religion. I believe in America! However, this nation was built on the Christian faith and the fathers of this nation worked hard to make sure that all of us have the right to assemble together even if it offends another religion. A muslim does not have to bow his head when I pray (though every knee shall bow, and tongue confess one day that Jesus Christ is Lord ). As I will not bow when hearing a muslim prayer. Neither will I be offended at a muslim prayer because I understand that this is America and he has a right to pray just as I do.

#2 I believe in Jesus Christ as the only way to get to heaven (Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.) and it is my job to tell others about it (Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.).

I don't want to be counted ashamed when I have to stand before him.

"Luke 9:26 For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels."

"Matthew 13:57 And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house."

"Matthew 15:12 Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying?"

As you can see I am not worried about being politically correct or in offending anybody. If my Lord offended people in his day, my job is to be just like him.

People are sometimes offended at the truth and all you can do is tell it any way.
I've been in the fire service for 43 years and in that time EVERY Company Meeting I've attended has been opened with the LORD'S PRAYER FIRST!!! Followed by the Pledge of Alliegance to our nation's flag. I think being in the fire service, Firefighter's regardless of denomiation do believe there is a God (or higher powerof some type) that controls what happens here on earth.
Yes I believe that we should have prayer before our meetings and drills. We shouldn't be afraid to pray.
I fully and totally agree that prayer should be a part of the fire house, whether before a meeting, meal or training session. I'm in a small town rural department, where church is just as big of an aspect of our lives as the fire department. We may not all be the same denomiation, but we pray to the same God. I also like the post by Robert I think it was, who said they say the Pledge of Alliegance thats a wonderful idea!!
Yes keep your prayers going There's never enough prayer
Yes I belive we should have prayer before meetings.
Prayer is a good thing. Yes you have those that do not believe, you have those that our jewish. However prayer is something that at some point and time, those that done believe, those who do believe all come together for. When you have a member pass away within the company, you have the Company Service, their is prayer, doing the Funeral their is prayer, so those who again do not believe still hear the word of God one way or the other, so yes I believe that prayer should be part of the Company meeting...
We have prayer before any meeting and or public function. Our guys have an understanding that as a chaplain I do not push religion on them. I am there for support, and anytime they feel uncomfortable they can leave the room until I am done praying.


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