I am a member of the recruitment and retention committee in my department.

If anyone has any ideas in keeping or getting members I could use the help.

Also we are trying to get some grants to get some money to work with so any help with that would be cool.

We are just starting, that is why I am asking for help.


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This is what OUR DEPT does.. So many points toward calls,events,training.. At the end of the year the dept will add up the points and convert that into money.. This goes towards buying equipment from a magazine for the fire dept for themselves.. New gloves,helment, Ems stuff.... What ever that person wants to buy for themselfs.... !00 points $50 bucks... Just a thought works for us....
Check out the R & R discussion in the FASNY group, and do yourself a favor and initiate a conversation with Tiger Schmittendorf. He's the R & R Committee Chair for FASNY.


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