I don't understand why we ask things like that or should women be on the fire ground. If we ask these questions then we must be going into it with a predetermined idea. I have been both a unpaid and paid professional fire fighter and I just want to say all my fellow fire fighters I don't care why you do what we do I am just saying thank you for doing it.

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Well on that note I do get paid for it for several years now but have doing for free for over 24 yaers know also. I enjoy it so much have my cake & get to eat it too. Believe me getting paid for it you dont make very much ends meat also. I usaly tell people that if you did it I wouldnt have to do it & i would be out of a free or paid job. For those people that question what you do for free are the ones that your coming to get.
I just have one comment!

NITA - BITE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There you have said it nicely...NOW I HAVE A SUGGESTION....Let's all put this issue to bed...sort of like beating a dead horse.....Thanks.........Paul
See my last comment. I am way more training then some (cause I didn't want to say most) people on here. I am a voli read my profile that needs to be updated. Thank you for your comment they are welcome on both sides.
I am the first one to answer every page. No matter what time or day it is. I don't get paid but I also don't have any family to spend the holidays with. I am the first one to voli for the holidays. I would rather see those with family be there with them then not.
AMEN TO THAT!! We rarely hear a thank you but when we do it's nice. We don't make the papers ever around here. We are the silent few that give it our all and don't need the hoopla.
Well, we all talk about this dead horse, but this little filly will never die as long as their are career/volunteer departments out there and there are websites like this one, where endless conversation can populate the pages about the merits of both.
I am a volunteer who owes MUCH to the career firefighters in our area. Now; I say "our area", because I understand that our relationship with them may not be typical of ALL departments.
It was career guys 27 years ago that took our department and others in the areas under their wings and got us training and equipment. That relationship continues with their training facility, fire schools, social activities and visits to their station houses. They are one of two career departments in our regional organization along with 23 volunteer departments. If some of you suffer from poor relations with career or vice versa, email me. I think I could offer you insight.
In my mind, I think that the question "career or volunteer" is asked is that there is a certain affirmation that "career" is the total package. Professional, huge run volumes, headlines, TV coverage at 6 and 10, station houses are the hub of the neighborhoods, movies made about them, the funerals...
Career has been the public face of the entire fire service for decades. That's why 17% of the nation's firefighters gets 99% of the attention. They get tons of money and support for their legislation. They are better equipped to get what they want. They have been organized and united in their fight for better standards and benefits.
And us volunteers? Well, some are still getting drunk and driving apparatus and killing people. Some are setting fires. Others are stealing the fundraising money. And it goes on. We do not have the luxury of the paid PR machine that our career brothers have. The volunteer segment has NOT garnered the respect that the career service has because we for so long were willing to accept the notion that we are "just volunteers". And some still believe it and that is the battle that we still must fight.
My remarks aren't intended to inflame this discussion, but if this is a dead horse, well then, I have been its jockey for some time!
Regardless; respect is earned; then given. And in my mind, pedigree doesn't matter.
I am a volunteer. I pay for my uniforms, jackets, gear, pager, badge, workmans comp, gas to drive 35 miles each way to volunteer my time in helping others. I have paid for all my training out of my own pocket not much is offered for free. We work strictly on donation from the public which we are still in the red. I do this because I have a big heart and I love to help others. Paid or unpaid we are all equal. Some are just luckier then others. Small towns don't get the government money to have paid FF or EMS so we pull together as a community and get the job done.
Its funny how people will sometimes ask if you're a volunteer or paid firefighter as if it really matters, but when you're getting off the rig on the fireground or MVA, then they just care that you're there. Just my 2 cents. Stay safe!
Amen brother

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