A few years ago, 5+ years, I was charged with aggravated assault with a firearm. I am looking to become a EMT in Florida. I was withheld of adjudication. Is it possible for me to get certified?

This was years ago, please advise....

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You will have to get a pardon and have your record expunged .
Unfortunately, in the state of Florida I do not qualify for my file to be expunged. Aggravated assault is not a case that can be sealed/expunged.
You might want to talk to a Fire Chief down there in Florida. Also, if this happened before you were 18 years old, it would be sealed in your record as a minor, at least here in Illinois.
I was charged as an adult...I am SOL in regards to sealing, expunging and pardoning. Do you think the state will allow me to get certified considering how long it has been?
Sorry to say.....BUT....I really doubt it....The best you could do is make an appointment with your local/county Judge and have an honest sit down heart to heart with him and see what he says....But I don't think that I would get my hopes up....it is surprising that you didn't do time as a weapon was involved.....Good luck.............Paul
It hasn't been that long (5 years), but as I suggested above, find a Fire Chief or Firefighter to talk to and see what they know about the hiring process. You might get lucky.
I am not familiar with Florida law.... what constitutes "wthheld of adjudication"
The aggrivated assault was compounded when you said "with a firearm." Aggrivated assault is not a light, nor loose term. I don't know the situation you were in, nor was I there to see how things happened. The law is the law and for this you may be entirely S.O.L.

I know it seems like a long time, but 5+ years is not all that much time. In my state you would most likely still be in prison and not worrying about how you can get your EMT. Unfortunately there are standards to qualify, and your past (pretty much wherever you go since it's a national standard) will keep you indefinately away from becoming an EMT.
I'm not clear as to whether you were just charged, or charged and found guilty. If charged, but found not guilty that would be one case. If convicted, I fear that it will be not possible for you to even enroll in an EMT class.

At least that's the way it is here in NY. As E-913 said standards are becoming uniform on a national level.

Take care!

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