The fire company that I belong to just started a mentor program for all of our jr. and probies.I was wondering if anyone out there that has a program or something similar can help.Looking for ideas to help keep all of the new memebers and all of the probies and jrs. interested so that they will stick around.Thanks to all that can help.

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What is the enrollment of your Jr's?
How big a town do you live in?
I have some ideas butthey are for smaller communities but they might help you out.
here so info that may help you start with the bylaws you can us any of this and make any changes you see fit.
1.The junior firefighter must be 16 years old.
2.The junior firefighter division will be sponsored and maintained by a regular firefighter to be elected by the juniors and the Chief sponsor will be responsible for junior actions.
3. Juniors will be allowed access to station on probationary basis.
4. Junior firefighters may not use the radio unless directed to do so by Scene Officer or Engineer, when riding in the Officer seat or station is called by regular Officer and junior firefighter is the only one on station.
5. Junior firefighters will be allowed to respond to emergency scenes but will not be able to participate in scene until mandatory training is completed.
6. Junior firefighters will not be permitted to use blue lights.
7. Junior firefighters having passed the state mandatory training (both written and practical) will be allowed to assist at fire scenes and department apparatus.
8. All juniors must obtain written permission from parent or guardian to be associated with Fire Department Junior Program. This will be kept on file and must be updated yearly until age 18.
When juniors turn 18 and are voted as Associate or Full Member, they will be eligible for a department furnished uniform, badge and uniform patch.
9.Juniors will be allowed to attend all department training and functions, (meetings, parties, etc.)
10. Junior firefighter monthly meetings will be held on the third Monday of each month, same as regular members meeting.
11.An advisory board consisting of the fire chief, the junior sponsor, and 1 junior representative chosen by other juniors will assist in the decisions of the junior organization.
12. All parents of juniors are invited to attend any and all junior functions except emergency calls.
13. All juniors will have department issued gear, including pagers (when available) for those who have a valid drivers license. All gear must be in good safe condition to be inspected by safety officer. All helmets will have junior firefighter crescents.
14. While enrolled in the junior program, members must remain in school and maintain a C average in all classes.
15. Any or all junior firefighters privileges can be suspended or terminated including membership in program by sponsor or chief or lack of interest, participation, alcohol or drug use, failing classes, or any other action that requires disciplinary actions.
16. If the need arises, a grievance committee made up of junior sponsors, junior station officer and chief will be made available.
17. The junior program will be limited to 10 members. or as your dept. sees fit.
18. A junior firefighter may enter a burning structure only with a letter of parental consent and only when accompanied by a qualified firefighter1and2 firefighter.
19. A junior firefighter will have voting privileges when he or she becomes a full or associate member.
In accordance with Indiana State Law, no one under the age of 18 will be permitted to smoke or use any tobacco products on station, scenes or apparatus.
20 .All gear issued remains property of Fire Department and must be returned to department on demand.
Junior firefighters will not occupy space on apparatus if regular firefighter is available. The junior will be bumped to another truck or can drive to scene in POV and follow all traffic laws.
These By Laws are subject to change to suit the needs of the fire department.
Personally, I am against issuing pagers to junior members. There are various small reasons, but the big one is I know a lot of kids who're 16, hear the tones go off, and jump in their car and do their best Code 3 imitation to get to the firehouse. Hell, I'm 22 years old, been doing this for 5 years, and I still have the temptation to go tearing full speed to the firehouse when I hear the bells for a working structure fire go off over my pager. I usually don't unless I'm close enough it'll actually make a difference (I'm more than happy to get there a little slower and help get the 2nd or 3rd piece out the door, though on occasion if we're short staffed hurrying can make the difference between a response and a scratch). Just my $0.02.
Dear Hodman,

Thanks for writing back.The town that I live in is in a small rural communitee.The Jr's age that they can join the company that I belong to is 14 by the Laws of the State Of Pennsylvannia.We are mostly looking for ideas in training wise and doing other activities to keep them interested in the fire service.We are also looking for ideas with the ones that join that are over 18 years of age.We are looking for activities to do when we are not training and fighting fires because the area that I live in there isn't very many parades or carnivals to go to any more.We have trained most of the jrs and the older probies in how to change the air cylenders in the air packs and showed them how to run the portable pumps so if they have to help set up a water supply for a tanker shuttle.All ideas that you have would be appreciated.

Thanks Again
Something a neighboring department does is a bunk-in program. On Saturday nights, one or more senior FFs conduct a sleep-in at the fire house. Interested Jrs. are allowed to come down and bunk in for the night, and respond to any calls that come in during that time. Since many Jrs. are "gung-ho" I think this is a great thing to help keep the interest level up.

Another comment - our Junior rules are similar to those that Gary published, FWIW.
Some of the things we do to help our program is truck and station inventory, whether you do weekly or monthly. It helps to familarize them with certain tools on the aparatus that may not be used on a regular basis. Depending on how many you have if you assign a group to a certain truck, then rotate groups. If they get to know the equipment and the preventative maintenance associated with it makes them better firefighters in the future.

another thing you could do is have them help to promote your dept in the community, such as making flyers for fire prevention week, and posting certain burning laws you may have. maybe a promo with helping the elderly check their smoke detectors? that is something we are trying to implament.

hope this is some sort of help.

we try not to have ours attend calls until they have a strong knowledge of the euipment. we have had problems with the " gung ho" attitude of our jr's. it certainly something to keep a very close handle on.

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