Why don't I see anything about Fire Prevention Week on here? I know somebody has to be doing something for FP week.

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This site is all about fire prevention...................................:)

Yes we'll be out to the schools teaching kids right from wrong and showing them the trucks and a FF fully geared up, and giving away cool stuff for them.
I got a hell of a task.. I have to give a presentation to my Daughter's pre-school class.... I have done presentations grades K-4 but never pre-school..
I went to my daughter's pre-school last year and don't think they followed a lot of what I was saying but they were fascinated with my gear all the same and enjoyed the visit. Have fun!
Where Mick and I work, it's Fire Prevention Month - the entire month of October.

As far as our department's activities, we kicked the month off by holding our annual Fire Prevention Month pancake breakfast at our newest station. The breakfast included handing out FPM informational brochures, guided station tours, and of course, the pancake breakfast. We also make the community aware that this station has a community room that can be used for activities unrelated to fire-rescue during the tours.

We have a full-time PIO/Educator who reports to the Fire Marshal. Our PIO is a tireless advocate for fire prevention and fire safety, year round. She just ramps it up a little for the month of October.

Yesterday, we had a very public proclamation regarding Fire Prevention Month read at our Town Council meeting, with local news media coverage.

The rest of the month's schedule is full of pub ed fire prevention activities, split between the Fire Marshal, the PIO, the fire companies, and administrative officers.

Saturday, our Firefighter's Association is going to compete in the Town's Chili Cook-Off. One of our Lieutenants has won the People's Choice Award three years running with his Five Alarm Backdraft Chili. It is scheduled for a feature show on Paula Deen's cooking show in the near future. We always have a fire-themed booth and have a good time with the cooking and sales, while getting the message out.

We're also doing a Child Safety Seat Installer certification class, several Risk Watch classes, and a host of other pub ed activities. We're also starting the outfitting process for the first two of a new fleet of ten foam pumpers that will be delivered over the next 6 weeks and have a new training center under construction, so we're pretty busy all month.

Everyone have a good Fire Prevention Week/Month.
ah-ha!! Umm, yeah October is pretty much FIRE PREVENTION MONTH - We could call it SAFETY month. There
are too many activities to cram into a week :) With all the parades . . . This is the week that the local school district likes us to take the trucks, smokehouse, etc to the schools.
It is VERY important for pre-school & elementary children to SEE a fire fighter in all that garb so they won't freak out & run from the "monster" if a fire fighter is trying to rescue them. To them we do look like aliens or something. My little sister once said that the first time she saw a fire fighter in gear she thought they were Sleastacks (cartoon from 70s). Besides exposing them to all that big ugly stuff some children have never seen or heard a fire truck.

A few years ago my department was fortunate to win an NFPA Champion Award (since the 1990s)
for our fire prevention program in the schools. The county has a 911 simulator to teach children how to call 911. WE can't take credit for the fire prevention program in the school however. We STARTED it with Stop/Drop&Roll but it has grown over the years. The teachers actuall TEACH FIRE SAFETY to their students as a part of their curriculum. They go over all kinds of safety issues in the classroom during this month. They have coloring contests, the older children write essays and they do a great job of getting the kids to THINK about fire prevention & safety in general. They take home check lists that they have to look for hazards and such in their home. Then those children become aware of more hazards @ home and discuss it with their families. 5 yr olds are persistant . During October we have more people contact us about smoke detectors than any other time.

A good fire prevention program is good for the community but MAN!! does it cut down on juvenile fires!! I know some guys don't care much for fire prevention, they think we should only fight fires, but it is our duty or @ least I believe it is and it gets us some POSITIVE publicity for a change.
I just did 2 preschool classes last week and they do follow what you tell them. This year the second class that I dealt with was very quiet and I am not use to that. They typically are ready to tell you anything you want to know and then some. When I talk to the preschoolers, I talk to them like a talk to my Kindergartner kids. I love it. I am going to our schools next week and that is usually pretty interesting....
Aside from the usual Fire Safety Week activities, Sunday the 12th, we dedicated our new station. We actually started operations there last Monday, but the official cerimony was Sunday. You can view pictures of the event as well as the new station at www.bartlettfire.com
Cool!! I was hoping we could dedicate our new truck Sunday @ our FP parade. Ours is always the sunday after FP week. Great job!! Congratulations!!

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