I just wanted to say......Scotty Wilson lost his battle with cancer, he was an active volunteer and a Lt. until Dec. 07 when he found out he was riddled with cancer through out his entire body. Earlier this year doctors said that it was highly unlikely that he would last longer than July. After going through kemo and other treatments to prolong the cancer Scotty's digestive system completely shut down near July. On Sept. 25 Scotty Wilson passed on, though he didn't die in the line of duty he still has my respect. God bless my fellow brother and his family in this time of mourning.

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Sorry to hear this, I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, how old was Scott...................God Bless
Sorry to hear about your friend and my prayers go out to you and his family. Stay Safe....
Our deepest sympathies to all who knew him, God Rest His Soul

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