I like to see some pictures of other department Trucks

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These are 3 from our one station and only 3 out of 9 trucks we've got.

here a few of ours the first ones our primary attack pumper, the seconds our mini-pumper/crash truck with our jaws and tools on it, and the thrid is our equipment van
Nice looking rigs! It looks your community really takes care of your FD with good funding. Our VFD has one 2003 3K tanker/pumper, five brush trucks and two hand me down crown vics. When we buy trucks we skip all the shiny stuff and spend it on other needed equipment. Our county commissioners think we can work off a shoestring budget year after year. Besides being out in ranch country of east Texas we would spent too much time polishing it. Stay safe brother.
Stop by my page, I have pics of all our trucks there.
wow yall got some nice trucks
i like that mini-pumper/crash truck yall got some nice trucks too
ok i will check it out
we used to be in the same boat brother trust me, now we got a new board and they let us spend the money and they like the trucks to look sharp, so win win for use.
yall got some nice trucks how many do yall got
haha hey thanks yeah thats our newest truck GMC/Pierce contender just aquired it in like early may its turned out to be a very worth investment so far so what about your company what do they run
when i get some pics of all our trucks i will put them on here all i got on here is our new truck and our older ford pumper

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