In the fire service, we are all aging commodities. It is imperrative that volunteer fire departments, establish and maintain explorer/jr firefighter programs across the globe. Junior firefighters have the opportunity to get awesome training, and can get hooked on firefighting at a very early age. It is important to establish the chain of command, department SOP's and SOG's, and good grades. A lot of times, a certain grade level (my department was c or better per subject) is required to maintain membership status. If they fail to meet the grade standard, they get a vacation until thier next report card. This establishes a great dealing, in the fact they will strive for better grades because they want and need to keep them up to stay active. Community service is now mandatory in our town to graduate high school. If a order isnt in effect for your school district, appeal to the town school committee. It makes them look better on paper for college applications, and also makes the community stronger because it is based on the desire to make it a better place. Juniors are our future, and without a young crowd to compliment our senior staff, the volunteer fire departments across the glove will be in some serious trouble.

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I agree with you our dept is made up of mostly older people. we are starting a jr program, weare triing to develop S O Gs for the program. I like your grade requirments. i had not thought of that. Can you give me a little info on what your jrs can and can not do?
Junior members (until their 18th birthday when they get voted on to become senior members) are allowed to fight brush fires, small outside fires (trash etc) and are expected to attend trainings, meeting, and work details. (including fund raisers) They are allowed to dwelling or commercial fires, but as an air station setup, pump operator assist only. We have even snagged some of our older jr's (17 year olds) for accountability, and at 17 we have taken them in for overhaul. This gives them a taste of what to look forward to while being in the presence of a senior LT, or Captain. The goal is to give them enough to keep them gung ho, but not allow them all the freedom to do as they please. Freelancing gets shot down immediately. If you can instill the phrase you work for me to them, they will tend to get better at following orders through and not getting side tracked. I started as a Jr, and when I turned 18, I was SCBA certified, and could operate any and all equipment and engines in our fleet. Hope this helps, if you can think of any specific thoughts you need help with, comment me back :) Stay safe out there.
I was a pretty bad kid before i got bit by the firebug. When I got in trouble with the cops one night a local firefighter told me i should join the company. Thank god I listened to him. It really changed my life, I feel like a better person because of it. By the time I was voted a senior member I had all the training I needed to help the new juniors that had joined.
If it wasn't for a junior firefighter program I probably wouldnt be the person I am today.
Stories like yours are common. A lot of times this is the leading edge that gets kids to break bad habits and start doing things that are benefitial to the tax payers instead of burdening the tax payers (prison) Stay safe out there

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