Around the coffee table, our shift was discussing how nice it was to have I.A.F.F. stickers on our apparatus and helmets. How many have or know of other fire departments that allow I.A.F.F. stickers on their apparatus or helmets?
Permalink Reply by nita on January 19, 2008 at 7:20pm
Not happening here. I do it every once in a while just to see how long it'll be before someone notices. In my opinion...if I had it on my helmet for 4 months before they must not be such a big damn deal. I'm working on our new chief but he's not really the's the mayor. We're not recognized and don't have collective bargaining here in Louisiana.
We were not allowed until recently, but it was a BIG deal then!! We both work off our rigs( us more often obviously!!) so i couldn't see why we wouldn't be able to show our union pride!
City of Reading, Pa ; We have a very strong union influence. We have stickers on all our rigs and helmets. We also have the screened International emblem on our work shirts and turnout gear.
Anyone who wants to buy custom union stickers, there is a retired brother named Marvin Wilson and his website is he has evrything and excellent to deal with!! pay him a visit.
Permalink Reply by DAVE on February 29, 2008 at 2:45pm
We can put IAFF stickers on our helmets and the current fire chief allows 1 IAFF sticker per suppression apparatus.