I think I have my mind made up but obviously as Emergency Personel our funding comes from what Uncle Sam says and does. If you are an EMT or FF and you are not politically affiliated it is time to get off your rump because your personal safety is relying on one of these candidates.
I am not plugging for any president but I do know that Chris Dodd from the democratic party and Ron Paul from the republican party are HUGE supporters of the volunteer departments. Any other information for this forum would be great. Our Iowa caucuses are right around the corner and would love to bring some of YOUR topics to the attention of our delegates.

Thanks guys and gals,
Have a Merry Christmas
God Bless,
Nathan Nagl

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I wouldn't expect any president to have our backs.
I would be more concerned with who's on the Congressional Fire Service Caucus.
If your Congressmen/Congresswomen and U.S. Senators are not members, I'd be concerned.
Presidents SIGN the bills. It is the people in Congress who do the heavy lifting.
However; I like Fred Thompson for President.

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