If you could go back 20, 15, 10 years would you still join the fire service if you knew then what you know now? Going through all of the heartache, family time lost, and loss of your brothers/sisters along the way?

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I have been asked the same thing. I tell them I had a chance to test for the full time dept in the area and declined because I get more satisfaction knowing that I don't have to paid to do it. I do it because I get more satisfaction volunteering. Nothing against full timers.
Just to be completely different, I'll say yes. I love what I do, and have no regrets about it whatsoever. Its made me who I am. Be kinda interesting, though, to see what I'd be like if I hadn't joined the fire service. Hadn't been a part of the family, or had a chance to meet all those that I have, even if I did have to lose some along the way. I think its been the greatest path I could have ever taken. The heartache, the hurt, the pain, the tears, the joys, the smiles, the comradarie, the fun, the work, everything, I love it all. I can't imagine doing anything else. Thats why I said yes. Be kinda funny to see what kind of schmuck-headed mutt I would have become.
I wouldn't change a thing!!! I love the fire service!
Been doing it for 27 years. I wouldn't change a thing. I enjoy it as much today, as I did when I started.
In a Heart Beat. I just wish that I could still do what I was doing before I had to retire the Haz Mat team. I was on.

Injuring ones arm and loosing 40% use of it. I can't lift like I use too. I miss it!!
i would do it again in a heart beat no question about that i was on a paid dept for 15 years now im on a vol. so i feel like i am stating over
I absolutely would. I joined to help my community and I feel great when the little kids form the preschools and the public schools say high to me and tell their parents "that's the fire lady that came to the school." I love it. Yes there have been some really terrible calls, and I have lost some really good friends in the department through illness. This is my second family and I wouldn't change this whole experience for the world. I have to say this is one of the greatest jobs I could ever have....
Yes. If I could go back knowing about the future.
Absolutely. "It' the best damn job in the world." - Tiger S. When I came on board I was just a kid in the village who most people knew and I thought it would be cool to go to that ocassional grass fire. That was 48 years, 9,000+ alarms and a couple of dozen titles ago. The Service has so much more to offer today than it did then. There are areas of specialization that didn't exist back then (or even last year). Knowing what I know now, I might have stayed with all the same technical training but I would definately have made a huge earlier commitment to the most rewarding title I've ever held. Once in a great while we actually fight fire, once in while we save a life but the call for Chaplain comes often and nothing has been more fulfilling than answering that call. Thanks for the chance to share. You never go in alone.
The only thing I would have done different was join sooner
I've been with the job 33 years and YES I do it all again with a few changes. I'd take as much more training than I've already taken, go get a degree. Even if you are a vol. like myself it does the mind good to have as much training as you can get. Put that training to good uses, not be a know it all, but a leader and mentor. This is Billy's father Jeff Wright post, he sign in and didn't log back off, my bad for not checking.....
I couldn't do anything but this job. No regrets here.

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