Im starting a collection, I want to know if any one here knows where I can get some at a low price or possibly for free. Please let me know. Thanks so much.

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Hi Sarah,
Send me your address and I will send you a couple.
Otherwise I buy quite a few off ebay. They are quite cheap and lots of them.

Anyway, send me your details and i will send you a couple of Australian ones.
eBay's a great source for patches. They've got almost everything. Most patch companies will also sell any patch, for a couple bucks each.
send me your adress and i will send you one from Queenstown Volunteer Fire Department
For high quality company patches from all over the US check out

Its owned & run by a retired FDNY brother named Sal. He does great work.
hey Sarah. I can send you one, just let me know. And anyone else who would like one, just let me know. All I ask is for one in return.

I have a few left from my department. Just send me your address and they will be on the way.
Sarah, send me your address & I'll send you one of ours, no charge. If you have any to trade, we could do that too.

Stay Safe!
My address is:

Sarah Myers
PO Box 18326
Salem, OR 97305
I've gotten quite a few from eBay. Another good place is firematic "swap meets", or go out to other F.D's and trade your patch for theirs. Check out the trading forums on this site. Stay safe!
This discussion has been moved to the appropriate category.
you can get just about any patch there
Leo from Australia, Paramedic,
If U send me your postal address via my Email I will post you one of my service badges, its LECAR1@BIGPOND.NET.AU; it's just easier to read in upper case BUT please send/use in lower case.
Cheers Leo

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