After a Mutual Aid Fire the other night,I got to thinking that helmet colors on the fire ground should be standardized somehow.This after I made an Observation that a "Black Hat" was giving orders.I fallowed along of course,with him being odviously my senior firefighter.But as the night went on I glanced over at his helmet,and realized that the "rockers" on his helmet said,"ASST.CHIEF",an so did the back of his coat.I thought this was odd,since all the other Chiefs where wearing White helmets.And I also noticed other Officers & Us Crew wearing various colors.Mostly Yellow & Black.This was confusing.Our Fire District Helmet Colors are as fallows...
White-Chief (& Capt.until 1988) Yellow w/White Shield-Capt. Yellow w/Black Shield-Lieu. Blue-Company EMS Capt./Lt. Red w/ White Shield-Safety Officer Black-Firefighter Orange-Explorer Orange Hard Hat-Fire Police.
What are your Company's Helmet colors?,and Do you think there should be a Standard?
Update:Tiger Schmittendorf has let me know that there is NO STANDARD In The United States.But Still The Question Looms Should There Be?

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over here its
yellow - fire fighter
yellow with green strip with lieutenant printed on it - lieutenant
red - captian
white - group or district officer
blue - instructor (used for training)
fluro green - pad instructor (also for training)
Powder blue - Chief
Pink - Captain
Fuchsia - Lt
Silver - Firefighter

Black and white checkerboard - checker player, unless the checkerboard is rippled. In that case, it's Jimmy Johnson's helmet.
Brown and tan checkerboard - chess player
Yellow with black dimples - Sponge Bob Square Pants
White fur - polar bear
Orange and black irregular stripes - tiger
Black and white irregular stripes - zebra, except sometimes it's an albino tiger
Spongy green - moss lover
Brown with spongy dark brown underside - mushroom afficianado
Brown and hairy - someone who forgot to wear a helmet, or a cocoanut
Brown feathers with white feathers at the crown - bald eagle
Silver scales - fish lover
White with irregular black dots - Dalmation
Dimpled red - raspberry
Dimpled black - blackberry

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