As most of you know, Hurricane Gustav is headed right for the City of Houma (Terrebonne Parish). I as a firefighter for the city of houma, i started my regular shift this morning but shortly was called after informing us that all three crews will be in the station by noon. Im not sure how things will end up but we will be taking this one head on. We are prepared and ready of what ever will face us. Im sure that worst case senario, we will probably need assistance in rescue operations but all I can say is we are prepared for the worst, but hopeing for the best. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers, and wish us the best.

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stay safe and hang on your in for a ride
it aint my first rodoe down there i was down there three years ago
Just to be the voice of reason in this discussion and a bit of a devil's advocate- It's great to see so many wanting to assist in a time of need such as this, but please take a moment to consider the implications for coordination.

I spent a number of years doing emergency management and coordination for the Australian Goivernment's equivalent of FEMA. The coordination of resources to major events such as this is huge, and there's so much more to it than just sending a crew down to help.

There needs to be very clear lines of Command, Control and Coordination.

There's potnetially accountability issues.

There's potnetially security issues.

There's the welfare arrangements- who's going to feed you? How are you going to be fed? (It's fine to say that you'll look after yourself, but with what if commercial providers are closed for example?)

What about accomodation?

How do you know what is needed? No good sending a USAR team (for example) if it's boat crews needed.

What about possible $ issues? Who pays for what? Can you claim for expenses, etc? Wages? Lost earnings and on and on it goes.

From a coordiantors persepctive, do NOT self activate for major disasters, and for those wanting help in affected areas, go through the proper channels- they may be slow and inefficient at the best of times (I know, I've worked in them), but they're in place for a reason....
All of you are in our prayers. Glad to see that it wasn't as bad as predicted. Be safe.

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