I guess I can only speak for myself on this but, I love eveything that has to do with rescue and extrication. Ever since I was a greenhorn (12 years ago) and saw the guys use these tools, I fell in love with them, I'd rather miss a structure fire than a extrication call anyday, and I get pretty bumbed when it happens, no one else on my department is like me and they laugh at me cause of the way I am, but when I get on scene I take over and everything comes together great so I guess they dont mind that I'm the way I am. Just wanted to know if they're any other firefighters like me or if I'm just the "Black Sheep Extrication Junkie"
I'm right there with you buddy! I worked on our heavy rescue squad for the last 6 years (I'm at a different station now, bummer), and extrications was our thing. A couple years ago I went through VMO - Vehicle & Machine Operations (advanced extrication), and loved every minute of it! The class was 2 full days and we had like 12 cars to cut, it was like extrication heaven! Stay safe Brother!