hey everyone I'm new to the forum and just wanted to say hello.I've been in the fire service for 18 years now and loving every minute of it.I love what I do and I respect other's for doing the same.We are all in it together.I got into the business as a family thing,I alway's wanted to be like roy and jonny.Now here i am 18 yrs.later.doing what i love to do.

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Welcome. Hope you enjoy it here.
Welcome to the ffn. Enjoy, and be safe out there.
Hello Brother! You and I are both new here, just wanted to welcome you!! Hope we can chat about firefighting together!
Stay Safe
yah moose we'll do that.I'll add you as a friend.ttyl
Hey there, another newbie here!
Nice to find a place we can all get together!
Hey julie,yes it is a nice place toget togetjer.I think of it as another firehouse.
Its awesome. I hope there aren't as many dishes here!! lol
I don't think there are.Atleast I hope not.lol
I feel ya. 19 years here and wondering about the new guys that I now train and hope that I wasn't the samr to my "Mentors", but I'm sure I was. Be safe. Ron

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