I've belonged to a few different volunteer fire depts.in my many year's of service.Some that had their clicks and some that had money.The dept.that i'm with now is basically a small quiet country type fire hall with a hand full of member's.We run 1-tanker 2-engine's 1-ambulance and 1-misc. truck.We mostly apply for grant's for the equiptment that we need,or get approved by the dept.head's to buy what we need.I've only been a member there for about 3-4 month's and gotten to know just about everybody there.I am very comfortable there than some of the dept's i've belonged to in the past,also got the equiptment that I needed the first night i joined.Now people are asking me why don't you join another dept.that get's more call's and that is more active?my reply to that is i'm comfortable there.And i like where i'm at.What would some of you do?

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Well i live in one town that has a half and half department but i volunteer 2 towns away in a small fd like you are describing. People ask me the same think and i agree with you even though we don’t get very many calls the department is a lot better to be with. the calls are nice but I would rather have the close relationship with my partners i don’t want to go in a building with somebody that I don’t know.
Stay where you are happy and not stressed out all the time when walking into the station. I left a dept. 1/2 mile from my house because they treated me like sh**. I now run with a dept. 30 min one way from my house. You will be no good to anyone if you can't think straight from the stress.
whats up i have joind a few myself and im finally comfortable in richburg. we get alot of calls and i love it but what im sayin is if u are in your comfort zone i would stay
I would rather volunteer in the town that I live in rather than some other town. The reason is that I'm doing it for the community - my community, not someone else's. I like the idea that my neighbors can count on me in their time of need, which happens a lot more than I would like sometimes, but at least I know who I'm helping out. I also know that they appreciate it when I run into them at the store, at the park, or at our fundraisers. They smile and say hi, how ya doing, etc.

Volunteering in the community in which you live allows you to get to know others in the area, and make new friends. We have members who live in adjoining towns but volunteer in our department because of its excellent reputation, and in some cases because they are closer to our fire houses than the ones in their towns.

We have also had members of neighboring FDs who quit, joined our department for awhile, then quit and went to another neighboring FD. Why? I never really knew, although I can say that I am suspicious of their motives and would never completely trust them if they ever tried to come back. My opinion is that they are motivated by self-serving reasons, rather than service to the community. It's like "what can the department do for me" not "what can I do for the department where I live".
wow.... my only thing is how is running with a dept that is 30 mins away from ur house one way, how is that honestly helping the dept out... im not trying to be rude i just want to know, like thats a long response time to the station for you... im glad that ur a ff but wow, thats a long response, in my dept u must live within 4 miles from our dept, and we have approx 30 active members that respond on 80% of our calls
If you are happy where you are at, then I think you have answered your own question.
We used to live in this town and then my grandfather needed full time care. So we moved to help him out. He has since passed away and now my grandmother has dementia. I was and am one of the primary care givers for both of them. I work most of the non-bingo fund raisers at the building (about 2-5 a month). My dept only requires 12 hrs a month of duty (50+ active members). I run 2-4 12 hrs shifts a month. I know that it seems odd but it works. Yeah I know that I will never make 1st truck very often, but one day when I move back it will be my full-time community again.
i wasnt sure i figured id ask, i didnt mean to upset you if i did
If you are comfortable there I would stay where you are at. What does it matter if you run alot of calls or not as long as you keep your training up. I have twenty years in the fire service and I hope the alarm never goes off. Before I get crabbed at the reason for this is as long as the alarm does not go off that means no one is in trouble and no one is loosing something they own and it also saves wear and tear on my equipment and does not put my people in harms way. do not get me wrong I still mask up and go in and i enjoy doing it. I make 90% of the alarms for my department but like I said I'd rather the alarm never goes off AND That is really what all fire fighters pray for! just my two cents.
Thats the thing I am comfortable there.I don't really need to run alot of call's that only burns you out.But the white stuff is on the way and that all will change soon anyway as far as calls go.Anyway thanks for the input.
That's a pretty good thing what you do for you're family.Keep up the good work.Our dept.has alot of inhouse,drill's (training).I go to them when i can.I really don't worrie to much about the call's it's the meeting's and drill's I like to make.Hey we do what we can when we can.I don't even make the first due engine out either so don't feel bad.We can go right to the scene if we need to.
I don't think anyone should be treated like that in any fire house.I also drive about 15min to our firehall,but it's worth it.

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