What do you do when first responders and paramedics don't respect what you do?

I am both a volunteer EMT and I work for a private service at a resort that staffs EMTs around the clock. I have a two part problem: one is when we have a medic run at the resort and have a patient to transport the local department shows up even when they're signal 9. I'm not disrespecting what they do because as a volunteer I'm on a first responder department and its a great service, But we don't generally need them as we already have EMTs on scene and most of the time we are just waiting on the ambulance for transport. It wouldn't be so bad but they just do it for the money ( The resort has paid out thousands of dollars just this year alone when all they do is disrupt the care we're giving our patients.) The second problem is with a para(GOD)medic on the county ambulance who I'm starting to have doubts about turning patient care over to as she doesn't bring equipment to the scene and then tries to talk our patients into signing SOR's. My last two patients that she responded to was a bee sting that was a heartbeat away from dying and she didn't even bring an epi down when she arrived, and I made sure the county notified her of the situation when they were dispatched. The second was chest pains and vitals going thru the roof and she didn't bring a cot to load the patient on, we were lucky enough to have a wheelchair close by so we took the patient out to the ambulance and loaded him on board while she was still trying to figure out what was going on.

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Well, hopefully there will be some actions taken to resolve the issues at hand. It doesnt sound like this person is much help to the "team". When they thought he was a great "asset" I think they were off by 2 letters! ;o)

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