My husband is the firefighter and I am so very, unbelievably proud of him. Before we became parents I seriously wanted to join the dept. myself. Things happen, I never got to it, but because I do have such a great interest in this field I would like to restart up our areas Lady Auxillary for our men, sorry no women on this dept. Can anyone give me any suggestions on how to do so. I once mentioned it casually to the Chief, and he thought that it wouldn't be such a bad idea. Can someone tell me how to get the ball really rolling.

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I do agree with you. One of the guys has been on for the now 40 yrs, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! He now cooks biscuits for the Anual Breakfast and even is considered the Chaplain. We have a very small fire dept but we have a main building and 2, soon to be 3 sub-stations. I know right now they don't have very many fundraisers but I know with a little luck and a whole lotta Faith mixed with some 'tude we can make it work. I believe that the older folks aren't just around to bake cookies but to teack us things. Thanks for the tip!
I appreciate this. I have NEVER before done anything like this. I have no earthly idea what I'm getting myself into, but I feel like that this is what I'm supposed to do. Any suggestions are great!
You said it is a small company, but if they have a law firm on retainer. (usually smaller companies don't) they could help. but the company recording secretary should have access to older records. sometimes company by-laws outline the use of an auxillary. you may want to look back into the past meeting minutes from around the time the previous aux. disbanded or was dissolved. if they just disbanded and put the leftover funds (if any) into the general account then there should still be a charter on record. Another place to look... check with the financial secretary or treasurer to see if the company has a safe deposit box at the bank they deal with. you wouldn't believe some of the things we found in ours when we recently went on an info search to find out about a bond half of us didn't even know about lol
WestPhilly, I do have a sense of humor... but when it comes to someone saying that a woman's place in the fire house is in the kitchen cookin for the men I can't stand it. It is a complete load of crap. But that is why instead of complaining I just use it as motivation.

EE779.. inviting the older members and including the guys is a good idea. Technically we don't call it the auxillary anymore at my station. They are the "associates". I don't know who came up with that one, but there are a few guys (even younger ones) who if for whatever reason they can't do active duty for a while (an injury or something) will kinda switch over to the associates and help with the stuff they do.
When I talked to the cheif again two days ago, he said that some of the other men were not exactly gung ho about the LA. I don't really know if it is because they broke up a few years ago or what. He also mentioned that they had enough food coming in and didn't need anymore made. You know what I mean. That is when I told him that the real reason that I wanted to help was because I wanted to help do some fundraising. The only ones the dept actually does, at least to my knowledge, is a yearly breakfast, a boot drive, and right now they have these paintings being raffled off by one of the local real estate agencies, who in turn is, from my understanding, giving the proceeds to the dept. One of the men's wives belong to the agency. When I mentioned the fundraising he said he would again talk to the guys and let me know. So now I don't know. Please keep your fingers crossed. I know that this what I need to be doing.
This might be whe wrong way to ask this but, are you on the books as a member of the company? I'm assuming you are, if some of the guys aren't interested in it or the chief says he doesn't think it's a good idea you might try bringing it up at the company meeting. ask the recording secretary about the charter from the previous LA. If you seem to get a positive response at that point you will more than likely get off to a running start from there. Please, keep us informed!
It's my husband who is the fireman. I just want to show him that I support him without actually joining the dept. It's not that don't want to, but we have a 2 1/2 yr old little boy, and am not able to go on calls because I have no one to keep him. I feel like I'm supposed to do something like helping with the fundraising or something. I WANT to do something to show my support and this, I HOPE, is it. I want to do something else if this doesn't go over, anyone have any back up ideas? If you look at the picture on my profile, you see my wedding picture. I knew that he wouldn't be comfortabe in a dress up suit and tie but maybe more comfortable in his dress whites, so that's what he did, and for the reception he wore his , OH...MY...GOSH! black cowboy hat! Sorry....anyway, I know how much this means to him, I just want to be a part of it, Somehow.
the reason I asked about the membership is because most company meetings are closed to non-members, I didn't mean any offense by it.
By all means, I am completely comfortable with women in the fire service. In fact my girl-friend is an officer in both companies we run with! You may want to concider possibly joining as a social member. Basicly, you would have the ok to sit in on meetings and some companies allow social members voting privilages. But, not be allowed to respond to calls.
hadn't thought, actually didn't know about that, i may giive it a try, thanks
still no word from the chief about the LA
ee779 just thought i'd let you know that there is an extremely good chance that my husband and i are getting a divorce. the chief, his chief, knows that we've had problems and because of this, i can almost be 100% certain that there won't be a Ladies Aux. We aren't like the bigger towns, in fact we aren't even considered a town, it is more like a village. Weird I know. So I feel jipped. Thanks for the advice and if the web master doesn't kick me off because of my soon to be status, I'll be around. Thanks again.
sorry to hear that, I don't see the amin. kicking you off the network, because you have an interest in the "industry" I wish you the best of luck! and please keep in touch. Maybe if you're concidering a move to another town, village or whatever the dept. there might have an auxillary there if you're still interested! Also if you haven't already, feel free to add me to your friends list
thanks, i will do the add. actually i'm thinking of going back to school for emergency management. my husband is the one who got me interested. thanks i'll still be around.

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