At the present time, with all of our members equipped with pagers, there are still some situations where a member hears the fire house siren and not the pager. The folks across the road complained about it once but its like "hey, didn't you notice you were buying property across from a fire house?"

How many departments out there still have their siren blow for fire and emergency calls?

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For those who are interested in learning about the different siren makes and models, and even recordings of some sirens, check out this site:
we have our house siren blow for any calls between 0600 and 2200hrs. it used to run all night but the guy who moved in accross the street complains about it. we have also had to shorten how long each run cycle is due to our favorite person. most people in the township dont mind hearing it and most of them miss it...but their always has to be that one person who complains about it. mind you that the one person who complains about it also complains when we have a call at night and the lights shine into his house, or when we run our equipment or train.
we use ours, there is 4 sirens in the vilage and we blow them all the time 24/7 and at 1800 is test. it
s how my 3yo stepdaughter learned to count because 1 time means it's 1800 and 3 times means a fire call and someone needs help and then picks if mommy or daddy rob gets to go.
Sounds to me like someone needed to do a little more research into the house before he made his purchase...
We have a siren that goes off for all calls and weather warnings. I can't hear it from my house, we are several miles away. Most of our responding members, including myself, also carry pagers and/or portables.
Ours does here in Luzerne, NY
It's funny how many people complain about the noise until it's THEIR house that's on fire. Then they seem to think it's ok to make a bunch of noise so people get out of the way.
We're a Vollie and have both pagers and the plectron, or "old Faiyhful" as we lovingly call it. It goes off for every fire, day or night, and I have been pushing for the daylight EMS runs. We've had a siren since the 40s, and it was an old Air Raid siren. We use ours for natural disaters (Tornados, Nuclear, yada yada). It has been our primary means of notification for our members. The Bank across the street complains that its a little loud, but its more of a running joke now.
we have both a siren and pager our siren go off on every call from 6 am tell 10 pm. after 10 pm we have a quit time where unless its a call were we will be leaving our town we only run with lights also. i do find that during the day time tho that the siren does help with us running with our blue lights.
We do.Ours blows for everything.Some members may not hear the pager beep or visa versa.Let ppl.complain.I tell em every time that siren blows some one needs help and that my be you one day.Yah their a bit annoying but who cares.Let em blow.We depend on them.I also heard that in 2010 there will be no more sirens or minitors.Their going to use text messaging.But you know how one thing starts and goes around and it never happens.
ALL 5 Companies in Town Have Sirens and Pagers.And They Blow For Fires,Accidents,and EMS Calls.They where originally installed Before WWII and as WWII ragged they where used as CIVIL DEFENSE/AIR RAID SIRENS.Oh the last time our Siren Was Activated with the Civil Defense Signal? C.D. Alert Test, SEPTEMBER 12,2001
We still have a siren, but it serves multiple purposes. It is for weather, civil defense and of course, fires.
Everyone has a pager, so the siren is not activated for fires that often.
The old siren that sat on top of the old village hall is laying on its side. We are going to refurb it and set it at the station as a memorial to all who serve.

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