There's a hot debate and a potential PR nightmare for the Fulton FD after fire destroyed a residence recently.

The property oweners were threatened with arrest if they entered the premises after the fire was extinguished to retrieve valuables. Under orders, the home was demolished immediately after, apparantly due to "hot spots".

Questions are being asked about the response times of the FD, levels of training, tactics used, etc.

See the video and read more at (Check out some of the comments below the article from local residents) but as usual, there's two sides to every story, and I don't beleive both sides have been heard yet....

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I agree, Lutan. Any thime the public's perception of us goes bad, we've got our hands full trying to repair it. I wish them well.
"Firecat", you might wish to learn from you mistake, apologize for it and ask yourself why would you say such a thing. Most of us woul rather never see someone lose their home to fire, EVER.

Or, you can continue to to argue the point and make a fool of yourself. The choice is yours. You might even get mad when you read this but sometimes reality is not always politically correct and neither were you witht that remark.

"Firesiren", keep up the good work. You were correct to point this out and it is ashame that your comments were not taken constructively.

About the issue posed. I feel that people should take more personal accountability for their own actions and property protection. Let me explain, we lose too many lives each year (civilian and fire service) to residential fires. Yet residential sprinkler system are available and are very cost worthy now. A sprinkler system could have saved this house and many others. The cost of a sprinkler system in a new home is about 1.5% of the cost of the house. People spend more than that on flippin lawn sprinklers.

Fire sprinklers save lives. Both civilian and fire service. Not only that, they save water!
Are you a "probie" firefighter or an arsonist.....I hate to say this but I will in the interest of all of us that put our asses on the line to put out these fires....whether they are accidental or set.....Your comments are both a sign of ignorance in the fire service and an insult to those who have trained and worked hard to get where we are today......I suggest you step back, take a long look into your mirror and decide whether the fire service is where you belong........Try making this comment...."Burn baby burn" to your Chief.....especially at a structure fire and see where it gets you.........Hope and pray it never happens to you or your loved ones......Paul
Whilst I won't delete this discussion, as I think it has some very valuable lessons and food for thought for everyone, I'm going to close it- I beleive it has run its course until we find out all sides of the discussion.

This inlcudes:
- The fire department
- The city officials
- The homeowners

Regardsless of whether we did the right thing or wrong thong in our response to an incident, this video and all subsequant discussions and web links highlight the fact that scrutiny is there in everything we do. With evolving technology, this scrutiny will only get "worse" or harder to hide from....


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