Just wondering.....didn't see anything about them anywhere on here.

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Your spot on Luke! I've been getting a ton in the last couple of days...Its so nice to be wanted I think I'm going to cry...sniff sniff
Dave - How many points for a new car? LOL
The new points system has drastically increased the number of "discussions" and equally thoughtful "replies"...

But it's NOT a competition, right?
No, just all in fun. :o)
I visited a profile of someone who sends a comment and friend request. He is rated a "superstar" (and then some) They have 2 (count that again 2!!!) forum posts, and 0 blogs. All almost 9000 friends, 9000+ comments made and 4000ish comments received. Yeah, thats contribbuting. There has been a new wave of people who want to "compete" for the points by posting frivilous crap without any real meaning or contributing anything to the site. If it continues, I feel that it will degrade the site more than help it.
I'm betting that some of the virtual stalking that goes on here gets LOTS of NationPoints.
Wanna take that bet?
You can already see that happening...it's true. Im not sure if the positive will outweigh these negative effects. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
not me, I'm stringing new "friends" along like popcorn and cranberries on a Christmas tree...
Global domination....one firefighter at a time.

Ok...scratch that, my Xanax just kicked in. I have this little problem with being a smidge competitive....but "Superstar" is just INCHES away.... "Must....Stop....Fist of Death"
Aargh....shamed into behaving like a human being again. Damn you Siren.

ooooo.....does that get me another point?
We'll watch it over time..its new...people will adjust and we'll see how adjusting points (less points for certain things, more for others) impacts things.

Just made a few adjustments to reduce points for comments sent and a few other thing, so some numbers may go down (or up)

Also I will continue to stress----the highest 'new' points are for sending invites! :) And we monitor them so don't just invite anyone -- invite targeted members ...

In the future I hope to have a system that shows invites to join ratio and reward members who actually get the most folks to join consistently..

But don't do it for the points, do it because you love FFN :) INVITE PEOPLE!
Ahhhhhhhh.....Dave, Dave, Dave.......
Now I have to get specific and invite certain people to meaningful topics for more points???? I was just hoping to start a bunch of meaningless discussions and rack them up...for STEAK KNIVES of course! Now I'll have to put my mind to work for good....."these are not the POINTS that you are looking for"........

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