I was wondering if your department holds functions (officially and or non officially) like picinics, banquest, and general gatherings to help build the relationship between the membership beyond the work atmosphere. (career or volunteer) It doesn't have to be a drinking social, but spending time together outside of the firehouse in a relaxed non professional enviroment is essential in my eye. If you can make a personal bond beyond a professional bond, I feel better. Its always good to know that the person on the hoseline with you cares as much for your back as they do their own.
Does your department do anything officially or non officially to help strengthen the bond between members? My department we have picinics, a banquet, and gather occasioanally to just hand out. We try to have a group get together once a month or so also.

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We get to gether on Friday nights, and either go out to dinner or order in. We also have picinics, and a banquet. It does help to strengthen the bond between everyone.
We actually do all of the above....Picnics, banquets, out for a beer or two with the crew....The banquet is held every November, the picnic every October.
During the week on occassion, the chief will take us all out for dinner on the house, and discuss with us the issues at hand and try to fix them. It seems to keep us pretty close as a department....Issues are always going to be, but you have to stop every once in a while to just let loose.
Our department holds annual Christmas party, and the union has a dinner twice a year to honor the most recent retired, or just to get together if no one has left recently. Unoffically there are many golf trips, an annual canoe/kayak trip, a fishing trip to FLA, then theres the occasional Patriots or Sox games. As individual shifts we have "chior practice" usually after every second shift next door @ Mudvilles Pub. Moral is always tight per shift. we have a small job (98 members) so everyone knows each other.
We have a Christmas party and several picnics. Also, various groups of the guys/girls get together for rappelling, caving, diving, offroading, shooting, boating, motorcycle rides, etc.
every department should. its a shame we are so busy that we cant get together and have a cookout sometime. even if its a regular friendly card game once a week.
Our dept holds an annual awards picnic in april. That usually works into a catered bbq and all the trimmings. We have 5 stations in our dist. All the stations do there own thing during the year. My station is really close we have a great bond. We have bbq get togethers do a little boating on the river. All the stations have there own christmas parties. We have a special game that we like to play during the winter called 7 11 or doubles. its a drinking game. But over all we have a great time outside of the fire house as we do in the fire house. I feel the time together outside of the fire house also strengthens the bond everyone has. Can be a great moral booster.
Admin does not do anything for FF's, we come together during fire prevention week and that is it. Persons that work and the same shifts and or stations usually hang out togther. There is a very big division in our dept. Ranking persons do not tend to be around less ranking person and Administration (chief, d. chief and director) not usually at all.. It's a shame
We have a company picnic annually with food games swimming pools and moon bounce for the kids, awards banquet at the end of every year with food, a dance, and free drinks, we have a fishing trip, crab feast and other events throughout the year all free of charge to the members.
we do a picnic and christmas dinner also go out after training on monday nights.
A good start would be letting some new blood into the firehouse.
we do halloween, christmas, and new years parties
We do a weekly cleaning "drill", bonfires, family socials once a quarter, yearly banquet, Santa Breakfast, and usually hang out after every function. We try to get together once a month and hang out.

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