FFN Gathering (& Free T-Shirts) at FDIC

Event Details

FFN Gathering (& Free T-Shirts) at FDIC

Time: April 24, 2009 from 5:30pm to 8:30pm
Location: Alcatraz Brewing Company, Circle Centre Mall
Street: 49 W. Maryland St
City/State: Indianapolis, IN 46204
Website or Map: http://www.alcatrazbrewing.co…
Event Type: ffn member gathering, networking event, party, fdic
Organized By: Firefighter Nation WebChief
Latest Activity: Apr 27, 2009

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Event Description

Calling all members of Firefighter Nation! Are you going to the FDIC Conference in Indianapolis?

Come meet your fellow Firefighter Nation members, along with our editors and staff!

We're pleased to announce the first ever (and first of many) gatherings for Firefighter Nation members. You are connecting online - now meet each other in person!

Here's how it works:

1. Come to the FireRescue Magazine/Firefighter Nation booth #3731 in the Exhibit Hall on Thursday, April 23rd from 2-6:30pm.

2. Be one of the first 1,000 people to get a free t-shirt with our exclusive design.

3. Wear your t-shirt to the conference on Friday, April 24th, come back to booth #3731 and get your free drink ticketK. (200 will be distributed ... but many more can attend the networking event with a few surprises in store!)

4. Redeem your drink ticket at Alcatraz Brewing Co. on Friday night from 5:30-8:30pm. Mix & mingle with Firefighter Nation members. (We'll have name tags you can put your userid on!)

Where: Alcatraz Brewing Company, Circle Centre Mall, 49 W. Maryland St. Suite 104, Indianapolis, IN 46204 (located right around the corner from the convention center)

When: Friday, 4/24, from 5:30-8:30 pm.

Details: Drink tickets can be redeemed for a beer or soda. If you didn't get a ticket in time, stop by anyway and join us! All Firefighter Nation members are welcome.

For more info on the location: http://www.alcatrazbrewing.com/indianapolis.php

Hope to see you there!

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Comment by William Benson on April 25, 2009 at 7:56pm
Wish I could but this my weekend to work ambulance for 36 hrs :^(
Jason Kephart Comment by Jason Kephart on April 22, 2009 at 3:14pm
If I dont get off work in time to come to the party I just want to say welcome to Indiana from me and my other brothers and sisters at Amity Fire and Rescue. If you guys ever want to come just 1 county south of indy then let me know we would be more than happy to let you guys visit us and our area.

Jason Kephart

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