Let's shed some light on this ever-growing monster called "facebook".

I would love to see where this conversation would have went.

I promise not to delete or stop replies.

Anyone care to take this further?









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I have resisted the temptation to join. My wife stays in touch with all her relatives every day on Facebook. I may take the plunge this year...sigh.
A few local volunteer departments are on Facebook. They use it to get across "Memos" to their members in this day and age of social networking. It also allows them to check out volunteer "candidates" who also have a facebook page. Look at their pictures, view their status updates, see what their background is. Who wants to hire someone who posts "Got so drunk last night I could barely drive home!" all the time? Remember what you post online isn't as secure as you think.
I don't have a facebook page the only online page I have is FFN. Not having facebook these days(especially because I am a teen and am EXPECTED to have a facebook profile)has cut me out of some very lofty/important positions(in 4-H)that I really wanted. Others have gotten the positions ahead of me because they have so many "friends" and can bug those making the descision on who gets the position. One of the local VFDs has a page and the Career Department has a page.

I am with Lutan1- give me a telephone and paper anyday!!!!
Facebook has tons of uses. Although I hate to say that I love it, it serves many purposes and keeps us in touch with others that we wouldn't normally be able to interact with as much.

Think about it - you can find old friends from high school, you can talk to friends and family and leave messages, and you can discuss pertinent issues with others in certain groups.

While I am no fan of people leaving comments stating "OMG I just saw Sex in the City 2!" and "Just ate a Fruit Loop lol", there are legitimate comments and conversations that can easily take place on Facebook's homefront.

I know that I will not sit down and have a beer with 95% of these people, but that's fine with me. We're in a technical era where interaction doesn't HAVE to be face-to-face. I've made friends online in video games that got to the point that I could talk to them about anything and everything. I've talked to people online about the fire service. Heck, even one day on X-Box Live I talked to a Boston Firefighter.

My department also uses Facebook to supplment announcements for trainings and fundraisers that we're having.

The internet keeps us connected, as I stated before. If it wasn't for Facebook I wouldn't be talking to some people I am currently talking to. It's nice to be able to drop someone a message saying "Hey. How are you?" rather than having to call them or go to their house and talk face-to-face.

The last post about Facebook was mine, and it was about a group that I created and asked people to join. I hope that you all join so we can get the ball rolling.
Have never had it, and probably wont have it in your lifetime. I don't need a Facebook page for someone to contact me.

The one's who need to contact me know my cell, direct connect, or email. I have been on many listservers and groups in the past. With the exception of FFN and a couple of others, have dropped most of them, and choose to stay away from most venues like my space, twitter, or facebook. I can get in enough trouble on my own without plastering it for the world to see.
More and more departments are making members sign statements promising that they will not / do not have social media pages... or at least will not discuss their membership on any department, post any pictures, discuss any calls or post anything that could be seen as embarrassing to the department.
"......It's nice to be able to drop someone a message saying "Hey. How are you?" rather than having to call them or go to their house and talk face-to-face."

Hello Andrew, I'm not in any way coming down on you or "bashing" you, but this is the number one thing I do not understand. Why would it be better to not have to have a conversation over the phone or face to face. What's the point of saying "hi, how are ya", and not want a reply when you ask the question? Why do you not want to talk to certain individuals in "real time"? Why bother?

I think Rachel is on to something when she mentioned that it is expected of younger people to be on facebook. But losing out on opportunities because you don't have an account? Sounds kinda wrong.
and rightfully so. And besides,that's what FFN is for.
"I think Rachel is on to something when she mentioned that it is expected of younger people to be on facebook. But losing out on opportunities because you don't have an account? Sounds kinda wrong."

Thanks Derek!

I try not to get that bothered by not getting those oppertunities...but when I do think about it really gets on my nerves! Unfortunately, I think that the world has problems with social media. No one really expects the "Old" people to be on facebook but (This is MY experience) if you are a teen who does not have a facebook profile you are "out of the game"! It is a sorry situation!
LOL... exactly...
What happened to MySpace... wasn't that the BIG thing 5 seconds before Facebook... so wait 5 minutes and Facebook will be over too...
so are you pro-Facebook with FFs?

some FDs don't permit their members to be on FFN either... for the same reasons...

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